Chapter 2

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"Hey no need to shout, I can hear you perfectly fine and my name is Luke, Luke Hemmings to be exact." the boy says casually.

"How? We're travelling at supernatural speeds... Oh, you're a vampire?!" I scream.

"It's okay love, I won't hurt you."

~Aria's Point Of View.~

"How can I be sure you won't take me somewhere, terrorize me and then I dont know bite my head off!" I yell angrily. Luke laughs and sharply turns a corner.

 "I wouldnt do that to someone who is as special as you, my darling." 

"How am I so special?" I say, confused.

"I'll let Marcus explain that to you."

"Marcus? Who's Marcus?" I say looking around at my surroundings. I saw a lot of different things, including my favourite colour, red. I loved the colour red, it had been my favourite for as long as I could remember. 

"ARIA!!" Luke screams, snapping me out of my little daydream.

"Huh what?" 

"I asked you a question." He says while holting to a stop outside a huge building that I had never seen before.

"Oh, sorry I was-"

"You were looking at your favourite colour, werent you?"

"H-how did you know?"

"Hello Luke and Aria." says a man ontop of the tall building, "we've been expecting you." I look at Luke worriedly but he is making his way up the building. I stand there nervously. "Come up pretty girl." 

"uh, how?' I say cautiously.

"Up the building like Luke is duh." says Marcus.

"uh, I, okay." I say gripping onto the building, I start climbing up the building quite quickly. "Wow I didn't expect it to be this easy!" I say excitedly. Marcus and Luke laugh, I then see Luke and Marcus whisper something in each others ears, I wonder what they're talking about.

*Time Lapse to after Aria has climbed up the building."

I am now sitting in Marcus's office with Luke, they have just started to explain what it's like to be a vampire and how you turn into one. 

"At the ripe age of 17, if you have the vampire blood in you, you begin to change, for example how long have you had a crazy obsession with the colour red?" says Marcus confidently.

"Ever since I turned 17 a couple of months ago." I say.

"See that's the first thing a vampire experience a crazy admiration for the colour red." I sit there pinching myself to see if this is one crazy nightmare. "Aria, can you tell me what else is red?" asks Marcus.

"Blood." I reply casually.

Marcus stares at me with a grin on his face, "Okay anyway, halfway through your 17th year which for you is in 4 months you will get a mark on your back, which is the vampire symbol, Luke do you mind showing Aria what the symbol is." Luke turns around and pulls up his shirt and I look at the symbol in complete and utter aw. 

"It's so pretty, I love the colours." I say in complete admiration.

*Time Lapse to after Marcus has explained everything to Aria.*

Luke's showing me to my room, I really like it here, it's all so pretty and I think becoming a vampire is going to be really fun. "Here's your room." Luke says scratching his neck. "and this is my room here," he says pointing across the hallway.

"Thank you Luke, I'll see you later?" 

"You sure will." He says walking into his room.


hey how's everyone liking the story?? Please comment and leave feedback so I can improve the story. 

:))))) X

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