It's Complicated

183 14 2

dedicated to:  @Jendukie_ Kim


Nayeon PoV

KShowBuz: Twice Sana and Got7 Mark wearing the same couple shirt as Wondergirls YeEun and 2AM Jinwoo.

JYP Entertainment held there annual JYP Nation concert last night. In there closing performance Wondergirls YeEun and 2AM Jinwoo wear the same t shirt that is different from other artists, the two artist are confirmed dating by their Entertainment. But fans spotted Got7 Mark and Twice Sana wearing the same shirt as the two couple. Fans made their own speculation about this shirt incident. Are these two dating? Fans are hoping JYP Entertainment to clear about these rumor.

''That's it?" I ask

"Seriously dongsaeng? I know it is hard for you" she said with a worried face.

"Offcourse not'' I denied

She tap my back and hug me. I felt the comfort when she hug me. I didn't notice that tears come streaming from my eyes. I started sobbing and tell her what I feel.

"It hurts unnie!! I thought he still love me!! but why he had a rumor with Sana?? Does he plan a revelation to me because I left him in the past? huh? Unnie!! huhuhu hik* hik* huhuhu!! But that was just in the past, it doesn't mean that I've break up with him it means that I don't love him, Unnie huhu!! I didn't stop loving him😢😢😢" I cried at her

"What can we do that's love" she said while tapping my back "You will not know that you really love him if you're not hurt by him" she added

"But isn't too much? First his fans, then now he has a dating issue" I replied sobbing

"Nayeon~ah, it's just an issue, okay!! Wait until he calls you and wait him to explain his side" she said

Will he call me?? Huhuhu!! Markeu why are you hurting me so much? huh?? Why do I have to feel this?? Mark Tuan Yi En you're a freaking jerk


Mark PoV

Aishhh!! What will I do now???

"Didn't you notice the shirt text and color?" Ask JB to me

"I have noticed that it has a different color from the others but I ask Manager Kim about that and he said that their is wardrobe problem" I explain

"And you belive him??" ask Jinyoung

"He said someone have to wear this shirt, and beside I didn't doubt because it has a printed GOT7 in front" I explain

"But didn't you think that Jaebum should be the one who will wear that? I mean because he is the leader" Jackson ask

"We were in a rush!! 2PM sunbaenim performance is about to end that time" I said furiously

Aisshhh!! The heck!! don't they believe me?? Do they even think I will date Sana?? Aishh!! What a nonsense!! How can I do that to Nayeon??!!! arghhhh!!

"Hyungg!! The issue is all over the social media." said Bambam

S#^t!! Why fans are like this?? Why people like issue that much? Aishh!! bull$#!t

"Anneyeonghaseyo~~"   they stand up offcourse except from me and greet our Manager who enter in our dorm.

"Sit down" he gesture "I am here because of the issue." he added

I just look at him with a boring look.

"Manager what are we going to do?" ask Youngjae

"Let Mark admit that he is really dating Sana" he frankly said

"Bweoya??? Are you crazy??" JB went histerical because of what he said.

He is a total jerk!!

"Why would I admit it?? We are not in a relationship" I said coldly

"It's an opportunity for you, the issue of you and your ex will die and you will also gain fame because of MarNa fans" he explain

''Tsk" I smirk at him "Do you think I care about fame? Yah, I won't mind having an issue with my ex that is true, rather than having an issue with an artist that is just for a play" I said in a serious tone.

I stand and left them inside the room.

I walk outside and I saw Sana standing in the door. I continue walking and pass her by.

"Sunbaenim" she calls in a sweet voice.

I didn't turn around and continue walking. Someone may see us, I know paparazzi are just around us, eavesdropping in what we do.

"Sunbaenim" she calls I felt her hands on my wrist.

Aishh!! This girl!!!

"Yahh wae?" I ask irritatly and remove his hands from my wrist.

"Sunbae, I-i- I just wanna say sorry to you" she said in a low voice.

I release a deep sigh.

"I know you didn't do wrong, but please stop going near me, I don't want issue" I said frankly and left her dumbfounded.


I stop when I heard something, I look around to see if someone is there. Aishh!! That's what I'm talking about. Aigoo!! What kind of issue will I have next??

I just shook my head out of frustration.


@ddhwayyxx POV


Wahh are they really dating?? But why Mark act like that? Did they fight?? Aishh!! Why would I even think of that?

Just gonna post this pictures of them.


Look what I've seen. Its King Mark and Queen Sana together.
Aren't they so cute? Hmm. I guess Mark ex girlfriend will die out of jelousy, may you know the different between PAST and PRESENT girl!!


Hmm. I feel relieved.


Bweoya? I looked at my phone and saw the notifications. Aigoo This is the reason why I love my fans. I looked at my phone and saw the comments in my post.

"Wahh they are really cute"

Well that's the reason why I stan this couple.

"Bwwoya?? Don't you feel guilty?"
"Tskk. why add Mark ex in your post she didn't do anaything!"
"You're such a famewore!!"

Aishh!! Bweoanya!! I hate this toxic fans!! Famewore? Who are they to say that? Guilty?? Why would I feel that? and what did they say? Mark ex didn't do anything? Aishh she is flirting Mark!!

I turn off my phone out of frustration on their comments. I continue walking on my way to our house.

"Huh? Oppa?"

I was shocked when I saw my boyfriend outside our restaurant.


Anneyeong yeodora!!!

GOT another for you.

So who do you think spread the rumor? Who do you think is @ddhwayxx??

Feel free to vote and let me know what you think of the flow of the story by commenting.


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