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dedicated to: kleeAmora_

thank you for the support💚


Na Yeon PoV

"Hey Mia what are you doing behind the post a while ago?" I ask her

We are already inside our house and eomma prepared food for us.

"ahh-uhmm,we-well I think I just saw someone I know that's why I stop" she replied

"uh" I nod "Wait I'll just go and get something to drink" I said and stand

Huh? Where is my soda here? Aishh did Wook drink it? Never mind! Huh my yogurts? Aishh!!

"Yogurts?" Unnie ask me

I nod at her

"Your niece saw it a while ago in the ref, and they ask for it, I'll just buy you tomorrow in grocery" she explain

"No need Unnie it is fine" I replied and smile to her

I get the water from the ref.

"You know what I don't feel good about your friend" Unnie said in a serious tone

"Huh? You mean Mia?" I ask her

"Yes, I can sense something fishy to her" she replied

"Aihh unnie when did you become a fortune teller" I joked at her

"Molla" she replied "But you need to be carefull"

"Aishh unnie, you are just hungry" I replied and go back to our recieving area.

Ha Young PoV

I keep on crying till I reach our house. I just hug my pillow and keep on crying.

*knock knock

"Ha Youngie?" call my mom

I heard the door of my room opens.

"Ha Young, are you okay? why are you crying huh? did someone bullies you on school?" she ask

I turn around and saw my moms face. She is getting old, you can see wrinkles on her face and  white hair grows on her. You can see in her face how hardworking she is, since dad died she was the one who make a living for this family, and I feel guilty in what I did. Instead of helping her in our small business, I am out there infront of JYP office waiting for my bias to arrive, spends a lot of time in my cellphone. Instead of giving her a small present as a thank you gift for all her sacrifice I choose to buy Got7 merchendise and tickets to their concerts and fanmeeting.

"Eommmaa" I cried

"Why? What is the matter?" she ask

"I am sorry" I apologize "Sorry for not being a good daughter"

"Aishhh, my dear Ha Young" she tap my back ang hug me

"Eomma mianhae!!" I cried and hug her back

"Eomma I did something wrong" I confess

"huh? What is it?" she ask and look at me

"I- I- I critisize someone even if I don't know the story behind" I confess

she just look at me and smile.

"You know Ha Young it's the nature of the people to critisize someone but you must know your boundaries" she explain "Did you said sorry?" she ask

"Yes, but it seems that they don't want to accept it" I replied still sobbing

"Such a cry baby" she joked and wipe my tears "Just keep on saying sorry so that they realize how sincere you are, you can still fix what is broken" she added "So stop crying okay"

Eyes on You // MarkYeon Fanfic // [EDITING] Where stories live. Discover now