The Move

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Alright, so this is for the people who dunno what the abbreviations are for hair, skin tone, etc.
Y/N: Your Name
E/C: Eye Color
H/C: Hair Color
S/C: Skin Color
L/N: Last Name
Now that that's outta' the way, let's get this show on the road, shall we? (;

Y/N: Your NameE/C: Eye ColorH/C: Hair ColorS/C: Skin ColorL/N: Last NameNow that that's outta' the way, let's get this show on the road, shall we? (;

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You turn your head to toss your father a glare. Right now the both of you were on a flight to Japan. This was the seventh time you've moved and lost almost all interaction with your friends, and even for a moment you were gradually beginning to start to enjoy school.

Seeing this expression, your father let out a huff before making eye contact with you, meaning he was serious. Not angry, but serious. You crossed your arms, sat up right in your seat and waited respectfully for him to speak.

"Listen. I know you may be upset about the whole situation at hand, son."
He spoke with pity in his [E/C] eyes.
"But, this is just how it has to be," He goes on.
You roll your eyes and turned your attention to back of the seat in front of you. The more he spoke about it, the more infuriated you became about the whole scenario.
You weren't mad at your father, you were just angry that you would have to put up with this until the day you graduated highschool, and there was absolutely squat you could do about it.

It was silent for a good minute or two. All that was heard was the plane's roars in the wind as it soared thousands of feet in the air, and the snoring of an old man sleeping behind you.

"You know, I really did try to stay." Your father says, breaking the silence.
"We were in a pretty neat spot back in [Current Home State]. Nice house, decent neighborhood, and the weather wasn't terrible" He laughs, causing you to raise in eyebrow in curiosity.
How can he be so calm about this???

"Anyways, but with this position, it could make our lives so much better, meaning more money for you and me!" He nudges you with his elbow in attempts to cheer you up.

You sigh and gave him a solemn look in order to mask the anger you had bottled up inside of you.
"I made my girlfriend cry when I spilt the news about us traveling. Oh! And not to mention all the terrible reactions I got from my friends, too. Do you realize how hard it was for me to cope with all of that, Dad?" You spoke, with spite in every inch of your words.

And with that, it went silent again, until your father sighed and shifted his gaze to the clouds in the sky outside of the plane window, and a weak smile on his face.
"I understand, don't worry though, son"
He says, catching you off guard.

"It won't be long until you graduate and leave to live your own life. With this Academy I've assigned you to go to, that'll be sure to happen. Even if you are angered with me, as long as you grow up to live happily due to the Army's beneficials, that's all I want."
He chuckles softly, leaving you a bit dumbfounded.

You've never heard your father actually speak his mind before. Sure, he was a cheerful person, but that usually clouded the way he asserted his emotions with you as a father.

The both of you now not knowing what else to say, you slouched in your seat and loosened your seat belt before closing your eyes and falling into a deep sleep.
It was going to be a long flight.

It'd been a good couple of hours after the plane landed in Japan

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It'd been a good couple of hours after the plane landed in Japan. You and your Father had rented a decently large two story house in a small, but stunning neighborhood.
You stumbled into your bedroom with your luggage and let out a yawn, loudly. You were tired as hell and It was already midnight. You knew were going to have to start your first day at Kunugigaoka High School tomorrow.
With the thought of that, you mourned internally as you laid down a sleeping bag and a pillow onto the floor. Not all of your furniture had arrived, along with your bed, so you had to work with what you had so far at the moment.
You turn off your bedroom light, letting the street lights of the night shine through your window as you slid into your sleeping bag.
You stare at the ceiling for a couple of minutes before chuckling softly to yourself.
"Heh, I'm really sitting in Japan right now. Unbelievable."
You shook your head in utter disbelief and turned onto your side, and soon enough without realizing it, you fell asleep.


Hey you guys, I know there wasn't any NaGiSa in his chapter but I can guarantee there will be a little bit of action in the next chapter. I promise to make this story good for you guys. Also if you see any mistakes so far, don't be afraid to point them out lol writing really late at night isn't exactly my cup of tea. Anyways! Stay tuned!

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