My Only Present (Bonus Chapter)

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A year.

It's been a year since you've seen him.

Those innocent, azure eyes.

His luscious/flowing blue hair, with those two perfectly aligned tails you so adored.

That calm and alluring tone in his voice which spoke between those soft, sweet lips you yearned for.

And of course last but not least, his petite and—to your liking—curvy figure.

Nagisa Shiota. Or, what you preferred to call him was your Little Assassin. It's been a whole year since you've felt his touch, and honestly your body was frustrated in many unexplainable ways, whether it be pure or risqué. Not to mention, it was also Christmas, a white Christmas morning.

Your body would lay limp upon the comfort of your covered mattress, (E/C) orbs gazing stilly at the ceiling, glistened by the calm beam of morning white light that'd shone through your window.

Ever since yourself along with the lot of E-Class had separated, over the year your father managed to hook you up with your own apartment; He even gave you his old black Chevy Silverado truck, which left you baffled.
...Especially since the government of Japan straight up covered another vehicle OF HIS CHOICE soon after.

Nonetheless, you were comfortable and didn't have many worries. In about two to three weeks you were planning to head off to college in order to begin working on your degree. Even though you weren't exactly fond of School, your father constantly insisted or rather forced you to go for the experience.

A sigh drifted between your chapped lips as you tiredly lifted yourself from your bed, legs hanging over the side, eyes glancing over to the partially frosted window across the decently sized, but also cluttered room.

Noticeable snowflakes decorated the still air along with small white dots of ice that danced with one another before swiftly drifting over toward the next... and the next, until finally becoming one with the bright blanket of snow that hid the streets and sidewalks of the town.

You chuckled to yourself at the peaceful sight, eyes half lidded with fatigue, hair frizzled and or wild from the comfort of your pillow. To put it into simpler words, you looked like shit right about now, and you needed a shower.
(Sorry reader-chan (*'-'))

Without further a due, you hoisted yourself from the bed, proceeding to stretch your lazy bones away, hearing them pop with each and every shifting motion. Soon after, you'd swipe your phone from the wooden surface of your dresser, the sound of an exaggerative yawn following suit as you treaded from the bedroom and into your personal bathroom, your finger hopelessly missing the light switch before finally flickering it on, the bright light momentarily blinding your sight.
"Mmm... Alexa?" You'd spout out in a deep tone of voice, a ringing from the small device bouncing off the walls of the bathroom and a simple robotic, female like voice following short after, "Good morning (Y/N); Merry Christmas. What may I assist you with?"

With a rub of your eyes and yet another yawn, you'd step in front of the toilet, dropping your boxers decorated in your favorite design, a sigh of relief, as well as the familiar sound of liquid colliding with liquid filling the bathroom.
"—play Fly Me To The Moon by Claire, would'ja?"

(A link to the song to set the mood~)

"Of course... Enjoy."
Suddenly, a melancholy violin would fill the bathroom, as well as a melodic and calming piano following after, the part of the song that'd always send a pleasant chill down your spine. When you were feeling most silly, you'd even sometimes sway to the rhythm of the song in order to express your unusual love for the tune.

My Little Assassin ( Nagisa Shiota X Dominant Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now