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By the time you had made it home, the sun had already began to set. Apparently you Father was still working, because you noticed as you approached your house there were no lights shining through the windows. Usually Dad just loves to just let the electricity bill skyrocket when he's home. Your phone then buzzed in your pocket and you quickly pulled it out. It was your father. It read "Hey son. Unfortunately I'm going to be working a little more later than expected. Something came up and I won't be able to come home until late tonight. Don't throw any parties while I'm gone!"

'Damn, I could've seen if Nagisa would come over tonight if I had known that Dad wasn't gonna be here...' You thought.
You hopelessly threw your hands up in the air with an irritation-filled groan before unlocking the door and stepping into your home.
You kicked off your shoes as you opened your contacts on your phone. You tapped the "Create New Contact" option and reached into your pocket to pull out Nagisa's number that he had wrote for you. The paper was wrinkled, but still visible which had you relieved.
As you made your way up the stairs, you began typing his number into your phone, your heart rate increasing with each digit until you finished.
In the 'Name' bubble you typed in "Nagisa Shiota"  with a heart emoji following. You also threw in a text just for the fun of it.
"I didn't forget. (๑・̑◡・̑)" You wrote, chuckling at the little emoji you put together.
You then entered your personal restroom and tossed your phone onto the counter with a loud huff as you began to strip of your clothing, removing your shirt first. You had a toned upper body from the military training your father put you through, which he considered to be your 'childhood sport'. You had a decent pair of abs and muscle in your arms. You weren't going to lie, the training had came in handy for looks, but you hadn't actually your skills on anyone before, except for a punching bag.
After stripping into nude, you stepped into the tub and bent forward to turn the nob to hot side. It took a moment for the water to warm-up, so your body came in contact with a sting of cold water, causing you to jump and let out a loud yelp that echoed throughout the restroom.
"... I hate when that happens," you growl. Your body relaxed as the water finally warmed-up to the correct temperature.
You began to wash your face with the spare wash cloth that you had neatly hung on the handle sticking out from the walls' tile.
Your head perked up as you heard your phone begin to continually buzz, interrupting your washing. You then shot your head outside of the shower curtain to take a peek over the counter to check who it was.
To your amazement, it was Nagisa. Not only that he was calling, but it was a FaceTime call that was occurring. Your eyes widened.
You quickly stepped out of the shower and over to your phone, soaking wet. As you answered the call, you quickly flipped the phone on its opposite side before the call went through all the way so Nagisa wouldn't have to lay his what you assumed to be pure eyes on your naked body.
"... Nagisa?" You stutter out nervously after a few seconds, waiting for an answer.
"(Y/N)?" He finally said in a questioning tone.
"Is something wrong with your camera, I can't see you..."
"N-No! Nothing's wrong with it. Actually, right now I'm taking a shower. You kind of caught me at the wrong moment. You think I can kinda... call you back?"
The call went silent. All you could hear was the barely audible silence in the background of the call before Nagisa suddenly cleared his throat.
"O-Oh! Yeah. S-Sorry about that," Nagisa stuttered back into the phone. He sounded as if he was embarrassed, which was sort of confusing. 'Shouldn't I be he only one embarrassed right now???' You thought.

"Call me back after, okay?", Before you could answer the FaceTime ended. You let out a sigh of relief as your head sunk.
Even though you really liked Nagisa and would do almost anything for him, you just weren't mentally prepared for him to see you naked just yet.

A few moments later you stroll out of the bathroom with a towel around your waist and another that you were using to dry your hair, along with your upper body, while holding your phone with the other hand

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A few moments later you stroll out of the bathroom with a towel around your waist and another that you were using to dry your hair, along with your upper body, while holding your phone with the other hand.
As you arrived into your room, you realized that you now finally had a bed again. It was a King sized bed that had neatly placed (Favorite Color) covers that sat perfectly on the mattress. At least your room looked less empty. Now it was time for the rest of your stuff to get here from the moving company.
You dramatically yanked the towel off of your waist just for shits-and-giggles and threw on a pair of boxers (or underwear) and did a cannonball onto your bed. The mattress was soft, so you kind of sunk into it as you laid there.
You then grabbed your phone and opened up your contacts, and scrolled down to Nagisa's name. You pressed it and chose the FaceTime option and waited patiently as the phone rang.
After a moment of waiting, Nagisa finally answered.
"Hey (Y/N). It took you long enough," He chuckled softly.
You were about to reply until you noticed something different about him that completely caught you off guard, and choking your words back.

You were about to reply until you noticed something different about him that completely caught you off guard, and choking your words back

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This was the first time you had seen Nagisa with his hair let down before. He looked even more like a female in this state, and it confused you in the most pleasant way possible. Overall, you thought it looked great, but you couldn't find the words to explain it aloud because you were still caught in awe.
"... Woah," you remarked, you eyes widened and a tinge of red spreading on your cheeks.
Nagisa frowned a bit and quickly avoided his gaze from the camera.
"I know... My Mother makes me grow it out like this, I can put the pigtails back in if you w-"
"No, that's not what I meant!" You interrupt. This threw Nagisa off.
"What?" He says as he tilts his head a bit in confusion.
You take another moment to observe the way Nagisa's hair fit his stunning features pretty much perfectly. You then smile and blush a deeper shade of red as you rub the back of your head.
"Honestly, I think you look a little way too beautiful like this, Nagisa...", You compliment.
Nagisa's eyes went wide as he blinked a few times, as if trying to process what you just said.
His surprised expression then shifts into a calming smile, his eyes full of bliss, and a blush visibly plastering his cheeks. He rested his chin on the pillow that lay in-front of him as he stared into the camera.
"Do you really mean that, (Y/N)~?"
"... Y-Yeah, uhm.. Too soon?" You felt a bit embarrassed for letting your words take control over your ability to think before you spoke out.
Nagisa slowly shook his head, keeping the same expression on his face. He twirled a lock of his hair in a finger as he lay on his bed and locked eyes with you. You couldn't help but stare back into his oceanic, blue orbs.
You weren't completely sure, but you were almost positive that you witnessed a tinge of lust in Nagisa's stare.
"I'm really looking forward to coming over this weekend, (Y/N). You have no idea~" He spoke in a tone the stirred something up inside you that made you feel in naughty. You could feel your boxers become tight as he spoke to you like this, and it made you feel vulnerable, and most of all it was that stare. Even though he wasn't physically there, something about it made your head spin. It was like you were in a trance. You then quickly regained your composure somewhat and took a deep breath.
Nagisa noticed this and chuckled a bit as he looked away from the camera.
"Sorry if I made things a little uncomfortable for you," he apologizes, but you could tell he was enjoying this.
You shook your head vigorously, "Uncomfortable? Me? What? I don't even know what you're talking about," You lie. The thought of Nagisa knowing how to make you 'That way' made you nervous.
Nagisa laughs once again, wiping a tear from eye as he lets out a cute sigh of satisfaction.
You then heard a female voice in the background on his side of the call. Nagisa's head shot up and his eyes narrowed over a bit before speaking.
"Well, that's my cue to get going for the night," Nagisa says.
"Damn, your mom must be really needy, huh?"  You say, tilting your head. 
"Only on school nights. Luckily, tomorrow we is Friday, so I'll be able to most likely come your house with you if your father allows it."
You nod, "I can make an arrangements with him."
Nagisa smiles gently and nods at your response. He then waves and hangs up on the call. Now it was completely dark in your room without your phone light. All you had was the faint light that would shine through your blinds.
You threw the covers of your new bed over your body and lay on your back, staring at the ceiling, and soon enough falling asleep.

Hey! Hopefully this chapter isn't to drawn out for y'all. It was kind of essential to add this part, and its kinda late so adding more would just make me halfass the chapter and I don't wanna do that xD but most importantly, enjoy, and until the next update.

My Little Assassin ( Nagisa Shiota X Dominant Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now