Karma, and Jealousy

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"Alright class!" Koro Sensei yelled through the classroom's chatter as he strolled into the classroom with his usual wide stretched grin decorating his face, "Settle down, settle down now. I have an announcement to make. Some of you may have heard of the new student that'll be joining our classroom today. Though, they're supposed to be here right now, the government decided its best for them to show up whenever they see best."

Everyone in the class seemed to be confused, and you didn't blame them.
Since when was it okay to just show up whenever you feel like it?
You raise your hand high enough to catch your teacher's attention.

"Oh, yes (Y/N)?" Koro Sensei answers.

Lowering your hand, you cross your arms and slump back into your chair with somewhat pouty expression.
"This might be none of my business, but how come this guy can just show up when he pleases?"

Koro Sensei uses one of his tentacles to scratch his chin, pondering for a moment before shrugging his shoulders.

"... I don't exactly have the full story of why, but I do know he's supposed to be pretty hardcore, another solution of the Assassination..."
You threw your teacher a glare of annoyance.
'All of that thinking, and he has no idea what to expect...'

"But! Enough of that, today we'll be having another field day!" He bursts with enthusiasm.
"Instead of hand to hand combat, today you'll be learning the basics of the anti-me combat knife!"

"Instead of hand to hand combat, today you'll be learning the basics of the anti-me combat knife!"

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After everyone had changed into their matching gym outfits, the class chose their partners. Of course, both you and Nagisa instantly paired up with each other.
Before we got started, Mr. Karasuma decided to show us an example of how inexperienced we were with the knives, hence pitting two students against himself.

The classroom watched in awe as he swiftly dodged each of their attempts of landing a strike until the two students gave up of exhaustion.

While the rest of classroom began to spar with their partners, you decided you weren't going to train. You knew that even with the practice of the anti-knife, you weren't going to be able to land a single strike upon Koro Sensei.
The incident with Nagisa and the grenade kept replaying in your head.

'As fast as those anti bee-bees were, not a single one met the same speed of Koro Sensei's. If that left him unscathed, how is lousy knife knife going to work? ... this is a waste of time.'
You groan loudly and let your head slump over towards the ground, successfully catching Nagisa's attention, who was also sitting next to you holding both of your assigned anti-knives.

"... Are you sure you don't want to go through with the training, (Y/N)? You never know, we might be able to strike Koro Sensei, even if it is luck." Nagisa implied, concern evident in his tone.

My Little Assassin ( Nagisa Shiota X Dominant Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now