Who Was That?

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You're disturbed from your sleep as you phone's alarm clock began to ring at it's loudest. You groan loudly and use your pillow to cover your ears, hoping to block out the noise until it stopped. Just then, your father barges into the room without knocking, not to mention enthusiastic as ever.
"Y/N! It's time for your first day of school, in Japan! Aren't you excited?"
You reply with an even louder groan as you throw the covers over your head.
"Please... just five more minutes, damn it."
Your father scoffs at your remark and stomps over to you, "Oh no," he says, as he yanks the blanket off of your body and throws it across the room.
"I'm not allowing you to be late on your first day. You might get thrown into E-Class with that mindset."
Before you could complain, you're thrown off by this 'E-Class' he mentions. You sit up and rub your eyes and stretch with an over exaggerated yawn.
"What? Dad, what the hell is E-Cla-"

"Now get up and get ready, I've got to get to work. It's also my first day and I can't afford to be late. This is why I keep telling you to start taking driving lessons!" He interrupts, ruffling your hair, causing you to grunt from the discomfort. Your father then leaves the room as he yells a "Hurry up" down the hallway.
You sigh and lazily stand up to dig through your suitcase. Your father had already had your uniform shipped before you left America. You gently pull out the gray tinted slacks and dress shirt, along with the button up undershirt. You never were a huge fan of school uniforms, so you were going to wear it as lazily as possible. You threw on the slacks and the button-on shirt, purposely leaving two or three of them on buttoned to show some cleavage, along with pulling and rolling your sleeves up to your elbows. You then double-knot the sleeves of the dress shirt around your waist. You did this because you didn't want to sweat too much.
Before walking downstairs, you decide to take a short-stop in the restroom to get a good glance at yourself in the mirror.
"I guess it ain't too bad," You thought.
You then quickly brush your teeth and splash your water onto your face, to wash away all the tiredness from your eyes, and book down the stairwell. To your amazement, your father had already had a backpack ready for you, along with a lunchbox sitting against the front door of the house. Apparently he took every procedure to make sure you had nothing to complain about during the school-day, and that kind of scared you in a way. With a shrug, you throw your backpack over your shoulder along with lunchbox in hand and slide on a pair of shoes you though would go nicely with your lazily worn uniform before running out of the house.
Your father was waiting outside in the driveway next to his car with his arms crossed, tapping his foot impatiently. He wasn't wearing his old camouflage uniform that he wore back in America. Instead he wore one of those expensive black suits you'd usually see FBI agents wear in those cliché action movies, along with an earpiece in his left ear.
His eyes darted up to you as he threw you a serious look and tapped his wrist with his finger.
"Come on now, son. We're running low on time here."
"Yeah, yeah," you sighed, as you hop into the passenger seat and pull the door closed, slouching in your seat and not bothering the put the seatbelt on.
Your father notices this, but decides to leave it alone as he realizes their isn't time for a lecture. Without further ado, he pushed the keys into the ignition, letting the car roar to life, and drove off.

As you and your father pulled up to the academy, you wasted no time to gather your belongings and step out of the car

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As you and your father pulled up to the academy, you wasted no time to gather your belongings and step out of the car.
"I love you, son." Your father says, purposely making his voice louder to either catch your attention, or catch funny looks from the students around you.
"Yeah Dad, I know. I'll see you later."
Before you closed the door behind you, you could've sworn you saw a smirk from the corner of your eye.
'He's just been itching to do that, hasn't he?' You thought. You then throw your bag over your shoulder with a huff and begin to walk through the school's gated entrance.
You took in your surroundings as you walk. There was a lot of people, and from the outside the school looked decently up-right. The scenery around the school wasn't too bad either. It looked as if this place had high maintenance and was constantly tended to in almost every way.
As you made your way into the interior of the High School you pull a neatly folded paper from your pocket and unfold it to take a peek. Your father told you it was supposed to be a list of schedule and all of your classes for the semester. As you were distracted you accidentally bumped into another person, knocking them onto their hind-side, forcing you out from your trance.
You raise an eyebrow out of curiosity as your (E/C) orbs meet with ocean like blue ones. The stranger had light blue hair that were put into two cute ponytails on both sides of their head, instantly making you assume that this person was a female, until you realized they were wearing a male uniform. This caused your face to morph into a confused expression, but intuitively you reached out your hand to help them up, your locked gaze still not leaving theirs.
Their gaze quickly made way to your hand until they finally decided to grasp their hand in yours to stand up. They quickly muttered a soft "Thanks" and a bow before walking off to their destination. You gazed back at the person as they left through the front doors of the school, which had you questioning more than just their gender now. You then shift your gaze to your hand that they came in contact as you had a quick flashback of the whole encounter.
Something about their features somewhat attracted you to that person. Their beautiful, deep blue eyes. The two neatly tied pony tails that sat on their head just right, and not to mention they were short and adorable.
The more you thought about it made your face heat up of embarrassment. You didn't even know this person, yet something about them made you want to see them just one more time, and maybe make conversation.
'Who... was that?' You wondered.
You stood in the same spot as students walked passed you, some of them throwing you confused looks as they went by. You then realized you were still at school, if you didn't hurry up you were going to be late. Not that you cared, but you wanted to avoid a lecture from your father. You'd rather deal with a day of school then have to relive another one thousandth of his thought out rants.
You quickly regained you composure and headed for your first class as you replayed the cute, little stranger you bumped into today, wondering if you'd see them again at the end of the day.

Heyo! Hopefully this chapter wasn't as boring as the last for you guys. I'm actually planning on maybe writing another one today if I'm not busy with random things lmao even if this story doesn't get out there too much, I just hope at least one person enjoys this. I've been really putting in a bit of thought into this story, because I don't see too many people actually making Nagisa X Male reader fanfics, so I was just thinking "Well why the hell not?" Right? Lmao, anyways, hopefully you're having a good day, and expect another chapter either today or tomorrow. Peace!

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