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"Will?" I called out into the empty house as I shut the door.

I had spent the day laying out on the beach and reading magazines with all the latest gossip. It was now 4:30pm and I decided it was a decent time to come in and get started on dinner, I just wasn't sure if Will had completed his rounds of visiting family and friends yet

"Brynny baby?" He called back to me from the living room and I padded over to him in nothing but my bathing suit.

Will was laying on the couch with an arm dangling off the side, he lazily looked up at me as I walked closer to where he was. I carefully lifted up his feet so I could sit next to him and then I draped them over mine again once I was seated. I traced circles on Will's calves and he groaned about how hungry he was.

"What do you want me to make?" I asked and he just groaned again. "C'mon give me a hint, I can't read your mind all the time." I pressed him further.

"Could we have breakfast for dinner, please?" I quickly sat up and he almost started begging when I hesitated before saying yes.

"I knew there was a reason I kept you around so long!" Will said as I got up and walked back to the kitchen.

"Oh really?" I rolled my eyes at him and the both of us helped cook breakfast for dinner.

- - -

"Hey, uh... So I saw the blonde surfer guy the other day." I said blankly and kept my eyes glued to the TV.

After Will and I had finished cleaning up after dinner, we crawled into bed and were just winding down before the both of us would soon drift off to sleep. When I mentioned Luke, Will started choking on his water and I had to wait for him to settle down.

"He's staying in a house just down the the street with his three friends, they're really nice. Well, I only met one of them but he's really cool and Luke, blonde surfer guy, and I hung out a bit yesterday and it was super fun, he showed me around. I bet he would totally do it again if you wanted to, I don't know, I think he's really nice. Oh and when I fell off my bike he took me into his house to clean me up, actually that was when we--"

"Bryn, please shut up for like 5 minutes." Will pleaded and I slowly pressed my lips together before he began to speak.

"He sounds pretty cool and clearly you think so too because you stopped using proper grammar and it's driving me fucking insane, but that's beside the point." Will took a deep breath before continuing, "Maybe the six of us can do something together tomorrow? I'm down for whatever you feel comfortable with, okay?" He placed a gentle hand on my arm waiting for me to say yes.

I gave Will a small nod, lips still glued together, and then the both of us shut off our lights and made ourselves comfortable. I felt Will turn towards me and rest his head against my shoulder.

"Is he nice to you?" Will referred to Luke in a soft voice.

"Yeah, he really is." I said dreamily, even though I wasn't sure my opinion of Luke just yet. Sure he had helped me when he really didn't have to, and he gave me a really good tour of Huntington Beach, plus he drove me home twice. Either he wanted something or he was just being a good guy, I really could not tell.

I decided to weight out the facts, what did I know about Luke for sure?

For starters he was three months older than me, which meant his birthday would be coming up on July 16th. He seemed to be in a steady relationship with physics and told me that he absolutely loved how amazingly math and science meshed together. Luke was currently reading a book about sailing, he didn't know how to sail but he said it wouldn't hurt to learn. And finally, there didn't seem to be a lot of people he didn't get along with, every single person we passed on our bike ride had given Luke a smile or a wave.

I concluded that he was intelligent and either had very good social skills or was just a charming, overall nice guy. Either way, I hardly knew shit about this kid and I was still up at all hours thinking about him.

I decided that I could invite the four other boys over for dinner, I always felt more comfortable in my own place. Since all of us we're relatively the same age, I figured we would all get along quite well and I could get to know more about Luke. My heart raced at the thought of him being in our beach house for the evening and I knew I had to impress him, even just a little bit.

I rolled over on my side and watched Will, he was also intelligent and people loved him, but he never knew if it was because he was wealthy or because he truly was a good person.

Two hours later, Will's breathing had steadied and he was soon going to start dreaming.

I loved watching Will sleep because he was notorious for talking in his sleep. He would practically give you a play by play while he was out cold.

"Bryn, you can't jus' leave with him!" I heard Will mumbled moments after.

"No, I know you love him. I know you do!" His foot thrashed under the covers causing me to startle.

"But I love you too, okay? You know I always have, okay?" Will spoke like a child and I heard a crack in his voice when he said okay.

My mind raced and I thought of all the dream possibilities he could be having right now. Obviously, there was someone else and I wanted to leave with them but Will seemed so desperate for me to stay, for my love. I couldn't understand why I would be leaving in the first place, I would never do that unless something had changed, unless we had changed.

I felt Will's breathing increase and he soon jolted awake, sweat was prickling at his hairline and I placed a small hand on his chest.

"I'm here, I'm here." I repeated and he quickly wrapped his arms around me and sobbed into my chest. I rubbed soft and slow circles on his back and when his breathing began to steady I lifted his head so he was looking at me.

"Hey, hey." I wiped my thumb along his cheeks to dry his tears and his tired blue eyes looked at me like I had just broken his heart.

"I'm right here, I'm not leaving. I will never ever leave you. I can't even be away from my best friend for more than 24 hours, I wouldn't even be able to survive without you." I said in a gentle voice, I felt his hands ball up the fabric of my pyjama shirt and he pulled me closer.

"It was just a dream, just a dream." Will sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than he was telling me. His breathing soon became more regular and he fell asleep to the sound of my heart beating against his ear.

It was 3:24am and I was still awake and I couldn't stop feeling like I just made a promise I can't keep.

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a/n: super short but super important

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