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My eyes traced along the hundreds of empty lockers, they stretched for miles, or so it seemed.

All my life I'd been cooped up in this school waiting for the day I would be able to get out and finally live my life the way I wanted, did things I wanted, loved who I wanted. Everything would be decided by me.

Today was that day and it didn't feel at all like what I thought it would feel like. I had an empty feeling in my stomach and my shoulders hung, along with my head. I may have been wanting to leave high school the second I entered it, but now that I have the chance I just want to sit on the floors of this hallway and breathe in the four years that flew by me.

My fingers reached up and touched the corners of my favourite picture that hung in my locker. It was of me and Will, I was sporting his favourite Chicago Cubs hat and he had red lipstick smeared on his face.

"Yo Bryn, you coming over for the whole after school dinner thing?" Will strode over to me and leaned against the locker next to mine. "You know, like every other year?"

"Yeah, yeah of course." I nodded and he cocked his head to the side.



"I think it's time to go, c'mon kiddo." Will grabbed my backpack that was filled with four years of memories and dragged me out the front doors.

"I think I'll miss this place." I mused as Will pushed me into the passenger side of his car.

"No you won't."

"Well aren't you confident today, William." I rolled my eyes at him and he just nodded with a smile plastered on his face.

"You won't miss it because you'll be with me all summer, am I right?" Will raised his eyebrows at me and I laughed, of course he was right.

Will and I had planned the perfect summer that would end with a bang before we went off to university. We would be flying out of Chicago into the LAX airport and then renting a car and taking it with us up the coast, stopping in every beach town along the way. California had been a dream of mine since I was little and it was always out of reach until I met Will, I thought maybe if I somehow got to the west coast my life would sort itself out. I was praying my hunch was correct.

As we drove to Will's house I gazed at all the gorgeous, clean cut houses. I watched as the tall, thin housewives planned out their gardens and their husbands polished their sports cars. I watched a life style I would probably never live and I smiled because it was one Will got to experience everyday.

I lived in a place that was crawling with crime and I often woke up in the middle of the night wondering if I heard gunshots. I've gotten used to it and all the gangs know I'm not someone they can't mess with. That's the trick about living in the city, you need to stand up for yourself and always keep your head held high, don't show weakness.

"Hey Bryn, I missed ya!" Mr. Emery called out to me as I stepped out of Will's car.

"Missed you too!" I waved to him as Will pulled me through the front door and up to his room.

"Jesus, what's wrong with you?" I widened my eyes at my best friend as he shoved me through his bedroom door.

"Help me pack, please?" Will pouted and pointed to the pile of clothes on his bed.

"Oh my god," I sighed, "you haven't packed yet? We leave tomorrow you dumbass," I slapped him on the shoulder and began to fold the mess of clothes.

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"You stay here, I'll be like two minutes." I whispered to Will as he pulled up to my apartment. I left him in the car because he didn't know the concept of quiet and my mom hadn't paid our rent in months.

I quietly turned the door handled and was slapped in the face with the strong smell of smoke and vodka.

"Fuck mom you couldn't even stay sober for one day?" I muttered under my breath as I carefully stepped over my mom who was passed out on the floor.

I swiftly grabbed my suitcase and heaved it out the door.

"I'll be back soon, don't fuck anything up." I whispered before shutting the door.

There was nothing left here for me, not even my family

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A/N: this is so boring ugh dammit whatever the next chapter will be fluffy and cute.

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