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I didn't get any sleep that night. I tossed and turned for the next four hours before giving up and taking a shower. I washed my hair for the first time in four days, I could go a while without washing it and Will claimed it was nasty, but he didn't understand what a luxury it was to have thick hair.

After glancing at myself in the mirror, I quickly swiped concealer under my eyes and mascara on my lashes. I looked presentable enough to go for some coffee but I would probably have to do a touch up during the day.

I strode into mine and Will's room, leaving a note on my pillow that said I would be going for a coffee run. He was still out cold and I smiled down at him before brushing a strand of hair out of his face. I probably shouldn't be leaving him like this, so early in the morning and especially not after his horrible dream. Will might think I broke my promise.

I brushed that thought aside and grabbed the keys to our rental car, driving a mere five minutes to the "Best Coffee Shop in Town" Luke had told me that they lived up to their title but I was still weary, places that knew they were the best never actually were the best.

I ordered my usual black coffee with one shortbread cookie. The cookie was too salty and I ended up tossing it in the garbage but the coffee was good and I found myself ordering a second cup.

The café had books lining the walls and pictures filled the only white spots, it was a cute place and it seemed pretty busy for 7am.

"Hey Al, I'll just have my usual. Thanks!" I heard a familiar voice chirp as they walked in. I turned around from my seat at the window and watched Luke as he talked with the workers and people sitting at tables. Socializing came so easy to him and everyone always had a beaming smile on their face when they chatted with Luke. It was almost refreshing to see a guy so humble and normal, but I kept my guard up anyways.

I quietly turned back around not wanting to make my presence known and quickly gulped down the first half of my second coffee.

"I didn't peg you for an early riser," I heard Luke pull out the chair in front of me and help himself to a seat.

"I'm not. Just didn't get any sleep that's all." I said making eye contact with this icy blue eyes. His weren't warm and fuzzy like Will's, they were cold and I felt a shiver go up my spine every time I glanced at them.

"You should leave your window open at night, the waves help me go to sleep." Luke gave me his two cents on the situation before asking me how I liked the coffee. I told him it was alright and I usually liked it a lot stronger, but I could manage for now.

"You're the only girl I've ever met that likes black coffee." He chuckled to himself and I looked up at him through my eyelashes.

Luke looked really good today, I had to admit. He wore a baby blue, plaid flannel with a pair of black skinny jeans. I wondered if he was ever overly hot in his black attire, California wasn't the best place to be looking that punk rock.

"So, do you have any plans today?" I broke the silence.

"Nope, I was actually just going to see if you wanted to do something." He grinned and I shot him a smile back.

"Wow, so was I. What a coincidence." I acted more excited than I was and he giggled at my faked enthusiasm.

"But seriously, dinner at my place. Don't forget to bring your friends, it'd be nice to meet them." I said nonchalantly as I got up from my seat.

"Sounds good, we'll be over at 6." Luke nodded and I only now had noticed that two dimples adorned his cheeks. God, this kid was really fucking cute.

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