1. Dylana

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D's POV.

My morning started like every other morning. My alarm went off, I got out of bed, got dressed, blabla. You know what I'm talking about. 

Once I'm done, I check myself out in the mirror. Decent enough, I guess. 

My choice for today's outfit exists of a baggy black shirt and dark blue jeans with black timberlands. My hair is in a messy ponytail. 

I don't bother with make-up since it's not going to cover up my chubby face anyway.

I make myself some breakfast and prepare lunch before getting in my car.

My ride to school was the same as usual. Radio turned on so I can hum along. Nothing exciting happened. Once I arrived at school, I parked my crappy car and walked to my locker. During this walk I didn't look anybody in the eyes. 

Don't get me wrong, I always look down but for two very differed reasons. The first one is that I am way too insecure to look people in the eyes. People judge so damn easily. The second reason is that even though I do want to find my soulmate I don't want them to find me. I am not proud of myself and I doubt I will ever be. I'll just be a brick tied to their leg. Something to weigh them down. I can't help but to feel bad for my soulmate...

I am pulled out of my thoughts by my friend Jason. He grins at me and walks with me to our lockers. "Good morning, D~" "Morning, J." 

Jason and I have been friends since we were 5 years old. When we became teenagers he started loving k-pop. I didn't join him in his love but even I can keep the 7 boys of BTS apart now a days. That's how often he talks about those boys. Btw, did I mention that he is completely gay for Jungkook? Well, now you know.

He holds out a piece of paper for me to take. It's a ticket to the upcoming BTS concert. "Come with me, D. Please! Just have this day with me." I have been refusing said ticket for a whole week by now. 

"We'll make it a whole DJ day?" He nods and I sigh, slowly taking the ticket from him. "Okay then. You could have thought of something worse to do with me." He pouts and opens his own locker, which is beside mine.

I put the ticket in my wallet and lean against the lockers, waiting for him. The concert is in two weeks. That means two weeks to listen to some of their songs and watch some dances. Knowing Jason, he won't be able to sit still during the concert and I want to at least know what is going on. Jason is, what do they call it? Extra?


School was out before I knew it. I like school, after all it keeps me busy. By now I am lying on my couch with my laptop, watching Idol. I mean this MV is weird. Like serious levels weird. I like the lyrics though. They say that they will do whatever they want which sounds fair enough.

Hours pass by of me looking up information about BTS. In the end I fall asleep with my laptop on my stomach while I'm still on my couch.


I spend two whole weeks like this. Going to school, going home, listing to BTS, falling asleep in an uncomfortable position, waking up, starting the next day and so on. Somewhere between these actions I find time to eat and take care of myself. I'm still unsure how I managed that.

I continue this routine till it is the day of the concert. J is bouncing beside me while I'm driving my car. BTS blasting trough my speakers and I actually find myself singing along. Well, mostly to the English parts cause' I can't speak Korean even if it was to save my life.  When we arrive at the arena the concert will be at, I find us a parking spot and we get out of the car. 

J is still bouncing beside me and I grab his hand to calm him down. My eyes are once again locked at the ground. What is my soulmate is an ARMY? I'm not taking that risk.

We are early and by early I mean about 10 hours early. Little bastard said he wanted the best spots and I agreed with him, not knowing that we had to be this early. And so, the worst/longest wait of my life started.


Finally those doors open up. We are in the front but damn if we were five minutes later we would have been way in the back. These people are nuts.

J and I show them our tickets and we make our way inside. Once there we stand near the stage. It's funny how empty this place is for now. We didn't have to wait long though. The loud girls from outside soon joined us in here. Completely destroying any sense of peace that was left.

Why am I doing this again?


Half an hour passes and now it will only be minutes until the concert begins. There are girls behind me who are arguing about who will be a better fated person for Suga. Their poor friend is playing with her thumbs, not getting involved in their fight. Can't blame her. I would have told them to shut the fuck up though, but that's just me. 

The girl looks up at me with a small smile, I return it and wave her closer. She does as I ask and stands beside me. "Are they always like that?" She nods with a nervous smile growing on her face. "Damn... stick with us if they are gonna be like that. At least we know how to have fun." I wink at her and she giggles softly while nodding at me. " I'm Dylana, you?" I ask her and hold my hand out for her to shake. "Mei Lee." She whispers shyly while shaking my hand. I nod at her. "And this bouncing idiot is Jason." She waves shyly at him. While he grins and waves back at her with enthusiasm.

Exactly at that moment the music starts and the boys appear. Shit... they are actually really handsome in real life. Not what I was expecting...

A few songs later and my throat is already sore from yelling so loud. I might not be an ARMY but I didn't spend every free moment on these boys for nothing.

It's time for the first solo. Jimin takes the stage while the others hop off the side of the stage. V lands right in front of me and a girl pushes me roughly while attempting to reach him. 

I slam against the fence with my lower body and groan in pain. V clearly noticed what happens as he looks at me with worry, completely ignoring the rude girl. He walks over to me and takes my hand. "You okay?" He asks in crappy English. I nod slowly and look up at his face.

Big mistake! The moment I locked eyes with him my world went black before it gets flooded with memories that weren't mine. From the farm he grew up at to meeting the other boys to what happened a few seconds ago.

With my eyes wide open I pull my hand back and look at the ground one again. I feel Jason put an arm around my shoulders. "D? What's wrong?!" He shakes me softly. I ignore him while processing all these new memories. "Fuck..." I slowly look up at Tea, at least now I know his real name, and gulp. 

I'm not sure what I was expecting but this surely wasn't it. He pulls me close and hugs me, the fence still between our lower body but it's as close as we can get here. He sobs softly against my hair. "I'm so sorry you had to feel like that... so misunderstood." He whispers in my ear and a tear rolls down my own cheek. "You too... I'm sorry that you grew up so poor... that you had to live through that..." 

He slowly pulls away and puts his necklace on me. "Come to the back after the show, okay? I want to talk to you." I slowly nod and the rest of the concert is a blur. My mind still processing all the memories that belong to Teahyung. As the break starts, I can't take it anymore. I have to see him. I look up at Tea and he points at a door before walking off stage. I don't even think twice.


Please tell me what you think~

Love Miki.

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