8. Lisa 2

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After that first call with Namjoon, whom I now call Joonie as well, he gave me his number. He said that he wanted to learn more about me since I give Hinami 'a hard time', as he put it while joking around. 

Btw, his nickname, god of destruction was used as he broke the headset his used to call us. Someone needs to help this man.

My phone rang and I picked up without looking at who it was. "Hello?" "Hey, Dance-monster. How are you doing?" I smiled softly at the nickname he gave me. Mostly because I tend to break stuff as well...

"I'm fine, you?" "Exhausted, but thankfully we just landed back in Korea. I am waiting for Hinami now. She's coming to pick us up after all." "Eeeeh! How dare you steal her away from me?!" I joked and he laughed softly. "Well, she's my fated person and my girlfriend so I think that gives me the right." "Damn, you're good..." He chuckles and the horn of a car can be heard in the background. "Have to go but... would you like me to visit? I could join Nami on her next shift and spend some time with you." "I'd love that... See you soon then. Bye Joonie." "Bye Monster." He ends the call and I lay back down.

Did the idiot even realize that it was 2 am? Probably not. 

Hinami's next shift couldn't start quickly enough and when it did I wasn't disappointed. Actually I was shocked to have half of BTS standing in my room. They introduced themselves, even though that wasn't necessary. 

"I'm Lisa, Hinami's most annoying patient!" I grin at them as they all sat down. 

"Hey Monster, have they found anything for your spine yet?" RM asks after some conversation topics have passed. My smile drops and I look down at my motionless lap. "No. They said that the only way for me to walk again is an expensive operation or that it would be naturally. I don't have the money and I've lost faith in the whole natural part." He lowers his eyes as Jimin moves over to me and sits on the edge of my bed. "May I see?" 

I nod slowly and he drags the blankets from my legs. The sight brings tears to my eyes. Not because they are motionless but because my toe is moving. "I thought I saw something move under those blankets." Jimin says while smiling down at me.

I broke down.

By now I've spend six months in this hellhole and I can finally stand again. Stand as in get up from the sitting position without help and stay like that for a whole minute without falling or anything. 

Eight long months since I fell down those stairs.  But I can walk. I can fucking walk. The first step without falling was the best moment of my live. Feeling the cold floor of the bathroom has never felt so perfect to me.

Ten months have passed and I am walking on a threat-mill. It's tiring but I have to if I want to dance again. All my muscles are gone but I am willing to work hard to get them back.

A whole year since my life fell apart. Seven months since I met Namjoon. Six and a half months since Joonie made me swear to be there once he asks Hinami to marry him. Six whole months since the first movement of my toe. Two months since I can run again. A week since they told me that I might dance again. A minute since I walked out of this damn hospital.

The fresh air brushed past my face and I lifted my arms up to the sky. Giggling like a madman. 

"Dance-Monster!" I hear from beside me and I look at the only guy who calls me that with the biggest smile on my face. "Joonie!" I run over to him and hug him tightly. He holds me just as tightly before slowly pulling away. "I have a little surprise for you." He takes my hand and drags me to the car without waiting for my reply. "Are you kidnapping me?" "Maybe~" We laugh as we enter the car.

The car took us to the BigHit studio and I am just amazed at the size of the damn thing. "This is where you work, huh?" He nods and takes my hand, helping me out the car. He doesn't let go as he gently pulls me inside.

In there he greets some people but ignores questions about me. He just keeps guiding me through the hallways. 

He stops at two large doors and opens one of them. "You'll love this." He says before pulling me inside and closing the door behind us. 

Inside all the other members are practicing their dances. Well all except for Yoongi, he's laying on the floor.

Once they notice us they stop what they were doing and walk over to us. Jimin pulls me in a tight hug that might rebreak my spine. "Jimin... air.." He quickly releases me. "Sorry, Lisa." We laugh softly as I hug the other members that have joined Joonie a couple of times. 

I walk over to Yoongi and hold my hand out for him to take. He does so and I pull him up. We hug for a minutes before letting go and he ruffles my hair. I can't bring myself to care. I'm having the time of my life.

Whispers from behind me catch my attention but I can't make out what they're saying. Instead I spend some minutes with Yoongi, chatting about stupid and useless stuff. 

I wasn't even aware that my big surprise wasn't given to me yet.

Someone enters my view and I look at the chest of said person, my cheeks slightly red. I didn't have to look up to know that it was J-Hope. His bright smile could be seen from the corner of my eyes. He holds out his hand for me to take. "Hello, I'm J-Hope, or Hoseok... or Hobi... Whatever you want to call me." I giggle softly and take his hand, shaking it. "Hello Hobi, I'm Lisa." 

Instead of letting go of my hand he drags me to the dance floor and I look at myself in the mirror.  My skinny legs slightly shaking from the pressure. "Joonie, put on some music, will you?" I am so focused on myself that the music of 'I need u' startles me.

Hobi stands beside me and starts doing the arm movements of the dance. I look at him with a face full of confusion. "Come on, you know the dance, right? Join me then." "I... haven't danced in a year..." "About time you start again then." He grins at me trough the mirror and I see a soft smile on my lips. 

Pffft, arm movements. I can do the whole damn thing. So I do just that. The entire dance in one go. Somewhere in the middle Hobi stopped to look at me. We looked at each other through the mirror only and he corrected me on a few things. Like that my legs weren't far enough apart from each other. That kind of stuff. 

Somewhere near the end of the song I feel my legs grow weak and I sink down to the floor, giggling softly to myself with tears running down my eyes. Three of the boys are instantly by my side and I look up at them with the biggest smile on my lips. "Are you okay?!" I hear Joonie ask and I nod while wiping my tears. "Almost a whole song... I danced... to almost a whole song!" More tears roll down as Yoongi hugs me. "And you did great." 

I cry against his chest for a couple of minutes before looking at the third person that stands by me. Then our eyes meet and I am happy that I am still on the ground cause he joins me down here quickly enough. We are just looking at each other like idiots as I see his whole life play by me like a movie. 

Since Yoongi is still by me I pinch his arm. "Au! What the fuck is that for?!" "For calling him a horse, turtle face!" Hobi bursts out laughing while he slaps Joonie on his arm. "The fuck?!" "Stop teasing her endlessly!" 

Joonie and Yoongi look at each other before yelling at the others to come around. "Hobi found her! He found his mated!" They start cheering like idiots while Hobi and I just smile at each other. After a couple of minutes he lifts me bride style and walks me to a chair. "Want to stay and watch me teach these idiots how it's done?" I nod while smiling brightly. He starts the music and teaches the others a difficult choreography. Even though it seems easy enough to me.

My mind starts to wander to his memories. It wasn't painful, more like an electric shock that went through my entire body. When it reached my brain it was converted into images. Mostly happy but also his sadder days. The days that he was 'tired', as his excuse sounded. I'll do anything in my power to keep this ball of energy as happy as possible.

I swear on my legs. And believe me... I just got them back.

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