6. Hinami

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Hinami's POV.

It's just another busy day at the hospital. After hours of hard work I finally have a little break and I take out my phone. Namjoon has been keeping me updated of what has been happening during the tour. 

He send me a picture of two girls and a guy who are all unknown to me. When I scroll down I see that he added their names, Dylana, Jason and Mei Lee, huh? 

Now that he has gotten my attention I call him trough FaceTime. "Hi, Joonie~" "Hey Hinami, how is your shift so far?" I smiles softly at him and shift our language to Japanese.

Since I am originally from Japan I speak fluently Japanese. It is my first language after all. But thanks to Namjoon I learned both Korean and English. He made my life so much easier. Of course, I had to learn English the normal way but he still helped me a great deal.

"It's fine. Lisa is giving me a hard time as usual but I can handle her. Now what's up with those three kids?" He chuckles and I can almost hear his smirk. "They are the fated people of some of the boys. They met them today." "You've got my attention. Tell me everything."

He takes a deep breath. "It all started with V. He locked eyes with Dylana during the concert and the two of them couldn't even wait till the end of the concert to hold each other. Thankfully we had a break and they managed to wait until then. Then Tea made her and her friends watch the rest of the concert from backstage. So when we were done we went up to them straight away. 

Next thing we know Jimin and Jason are both laying on the floor, crying their eyes out like it's the end of the world. They actually felt the pain the other went trough. It was very weird to see. Scary almost... But after those two got themselves back together they left to make out somewhere. They are both standing here with hickeys on their neck so I have enough prove of that. 

Anyway after the boys left us, Mei Lee was mumbling about how she is to afraid to disappoint her fated person but when Yoongi tried to comfort her they locked eyes and bamn, they were fated. 

It's weird how it happened though... Mei Lee was blinded while Yoongi's memory's were transferred to her one by one while Yoongi was done in just a few seconds. Last time I checked it was always the same for both sides but I guess I was wrong..." 

I listen with every fiber of my being as his voice sends a shiver down my spine. "Hey, Joonie..." My voice sounds almost dreamy. "Yeah?" "How about I accept your offer to date?" He chuckles softly. "I made you that offer five years ago." "So that means you've changed your mind?" "No! No way. I'd love to date you." 

I giggle softly and look at the clock. "I have to go before Lisa trows another tantrum. How about I'll call you once I'm done?" "Okay, tell her I said hi. I have to go anyway, the car is here." "Will do, bye Joonie." "Bye Hinami."

After I end the call I put my phone back in my pocket and walk back to my favorite patients room. Lisa is a young adult who fell down the stairs at a party. She landed in a wrong position and it broke her spine. Now she is paralyzed from the hips down. 

The bad part about the girl is that she doesn't step away from her dream. Not even after being hospitalized for over 3 months. She is a dancer but who can dance if their legs aren't working? She spends her time watching dance video's all the time and does the arm movements whenever she can. It's sad really...

As I enter her room I notice that she's looking out the window at the blossoms outside. "Hey Lisa." I sit down on the edge of her bed. I know it is unprofessional but she asked me to treat her as a friend so that is what I'll do. 

"Hey, Hinami." She says in a soft voice. Her black hair on top of her head in a messy bun. The moment she turn to me with tear filled eyes I feel a piece of my heart break. "What's wrong?" I grab her hand and squeeze it softly. 

"How will I face my fated person? I am going to be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of my live?! I always wanted someone who would dance with me but now that dream... is destroyed." Tears roll down her cheeks and I pull her into a hug. "Ow, sweetheart. You're fated person shouldn't give a damn about something like that. They will love you for who you are and not for what you look like or anything like that." 

My words seem to reach her as she slowly calms down and looks up at me while drying her eyes. "How did you meet him? Tell me, please." I nod and make myself comformable. 

"Well, I was ten years old at the time and we went on a vacation to Korea. You know, cause I still lived in Japan at the time... " She nods and waits for me to continue. "There was a boy playing in the pool of the hotel we were staying at. He looked asian and I was curious if he was Japanese so I talked to him. 

The moment our eyes met we realized we were fated to be together in one way or another. We instantly understood each other languages so that problem was solved. Next thing we knew we were inseparable. We spend the entire vacation together and our parents were unsuccessful at pulling us apart. 

Kim Namjoon is his name and.. " "Wait... Kim Namjoon? RM? From BTS?" Lisa interrupts me but I don't mind. She looks like her brain just fried itself. I nod at her and she start hitting me with a small pillow. "You never thought it was important to tell me that?!" I laugh and take the pillow from her, smacking her in her face with it. 

"Excuse me but I didn't know if you were a fangirl or not." "I guess I am... I love their dances, they are always so full of energy. I can't sit still while watching them." Lisa has a big grin on her lips while she waves her arms around. "Okay then.. How about this, if you are a good girl, I'll join you here while talking to him once my shift is over. Do we have a deal?" She nods so fast I think she gave herself a whiplash and I giggle softly. "It's a deal then. See you in..." I check the clock. "Two hours." "Till then!" She waves after me as I leave the room.


Two hours later my shift is over and I change into my regular clothes. I sneak into Lisa's room who is supposed to be asleep by now but of course she is on her phone, humming to a song. 

"Hey!" She greets me and quickly puts her phone away, looking at me with her big brown eyes like a little girl. 

I sit on her bed again and smile at her. "Hey, sooo have you been good?" She nods quickly before grinning at me. "Okay then.."

I grab my phone and FaceTime Joonie. He picks up after a few  seconds and smiles at me. "Hey Joonie~" "Hey Nami~" We both giggle and I sit so that he can see Lisa. "Time to meet my troublesome princess." She shoves me slightly with a pout. "Hi Lisa, nice meeting you!" She grins at him and waves wildly. "Hi, RM! Or... what do you want me to call you?" "RM or Namjoon is fine. Just pick one of them." Lisa bites her lip softly before looking at me. I slowly nod at her.

"You know... you never finished your story earlier today." "Hmm.. I guess I didn't." "What did I miss?" Joonie asks from the other side of the call. "Lisa wanted to know about us. How we found each other and stuff like that." "Stuff like how you finally decided to date me today?" He smirks at us and Lisa gasps softly. "No way... how long did she make you wait?" "Five years..." Lisa gasps again and slaps me with a pillow. "You evil woman!" I giggle softly before pinching her cheek. "You have no idea~"

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