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Dylana's POV.

Finally it's summer vacation! That means that me and Jason can go on our planned trip. A trip to Korea. Tea told me that they took a week off to spend with us. I'm so happy.

It has been two years since I met Tea. He has been a wonderful boyfriend even though he doesn't have a lot of time. He accepts me for who I am and doesn't forget to tell me every day. Sometimes he calls me when he wakes up or right before he'll go to sleep. 

His sleepy eyes are adorable.

Jason's POV.

Dylana has been a bubble of joy for almost two whole years now. She lost all signs of her depression. She is whole again. 

I, myself have been very happy as well. Jimin is so playful that he always makes me smile. No matter how down I feel. On the other hand I know how to make him eat. He relapsed once and stopped eating. I'm not sure how I made him change his mind but after talking to him for two hours he finally joined the others for a meal.

I am totally in love with this boy.

Mei Lee's POV.

Have two years passed already? Time fly's by with Yoongi as my boyfriend. He is actually very shy about couple stuff. It's cute.

I meet up with Jason, Dylana, Sarah and Kyle at the airport. We are all flying together to Korea. The home of our fated people. The flight takes forever but the moment I see a blob of black hair resting on a certain turtle face everything is worth it. I run to him and hug him tightly. He holds me just as tight, clearly not planning on letting me go. "I missed you, baby girl." He whispers in my ear.

He has no idea how much I missed him.

Sarah's POV.

The flight took forever and I spend most of the time looking at pictures of Jin. So he has blond hair now huh? It suits him. 

Mei Lee rushes to Yoongi the moment she lays eyes on him. I giggle softly at the sight. 

Jin walks up to me and opens his arms for a hug. I happily hug him tightly and giggle once again. "Hey momma." "Yah! You are the girl!" "No way Jin, you are the girl in this relationship." I smirk at him and peck his cheek, making him blush slightly. I can't blame him, it is his first time feeling my lips on his skin. 

I finally agreed to date this fool.

Kyle's POV.

Mei Lee and Sarah are both holding their fated people and I'm looking around for mine. But of course he's skipping on me. Probably at the gym, doubting himself again. 

Jin and Yoongi drive us back to their dorm and we slowly enter the large building. All the boys are around... expect for Jungkook. After half an hour I snap. "Can anyone tell me where the fucking idiot is?!" They all look at me with shock on their faces. Tea is the first to recover. "Ehm... behind you."

I snap around and am absolutely shook at what I find. Jungkook stands in front of me and slowly gets down on one knee. While holding a small box in his hands.

No. Fucking. Way. 

I. Am. Dreaming!!!

"Kyle... Will you please marry me?" His face is red and he is biting his lip. I can't say anything as tears slip down my cheeks. I slowly nod and he doesn't waste any time jumping up before hugging me tightly and kissing me passionately. To bad our moment gets interrupted by the doorbell ringing. Hoseok quickly rushes to open the door.

It doesn't matter. I'll have enough time left to spend with him.

Hinami's POV.

Me and Lisa wait for the door to open and she doesn't waste a second to hug Hoseok tightly once he opens the door. I slip past the couple and skip to Namjoon. He gives me quick peck on the lips before wrapping an arm around my waist. My eyes land on my hand that is decorated by a beautiful diamond ring. I lean into him. The love of my life.

I'm sorry I made you wait. I hope it's worth it, Love.

Lisa's POV.

Hoseok caught me when I jump on him. He swirls me around and closes the door with his foot once Hinami slips past us. I put my arms around his neck and pull him close, kissing him deeply. We stay like that for a couple of minutes before we pull away from each other while panting slightly. 

"You're legs are doing better." I nod against his chest and keep holding unto him. I'll never let this ray of sunshine go. "Let's join the others!" He says with a bright smile. He puts me on his back and wraps his arms around my legs, holding me up. I laugh and hold unto him so I won't fall backwards. "Let's go horsey!" He groans but enters the living room anyway.

He is my hope. He is my angel.


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