2. Jason

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J's POV.

I can't believe it! D actually agreed to come with me.

She will join me but knowing her luck something will happen and I will somehow fall into Jungkook's arms and we'll marry and have beautiful children!

I roll around on the floor of my bedroom while squealing like a little girl.

Wait... We can't have natural kids, damn it... hmm.. We'll adopt beautiful children then.

That is how I spend my two weeks before the concert, daydreaming about my bias, Jungkook, and how I will spend my future with him. Let a boy dream okay!


I just can't sit still while we are driving to the arena. I'm actually going to see Jungkook face to face. What is he is my fated person? I would die on the spot!

A small squeal escapes me and D raises an eyebrow at me while singing along with Fake Love. I quickly join her while still bouncing around.

Once we arrive, I know that she'll be angry at me for being so damn early but I'll accept all of her wrath. Now we'll at least have the best spots.


The doors finally opens and I've never seen such a relieved expression on D's face. We show our tickets and get to our spot near the stage. We are all the way against the fence, not willing to give up our spots. I'm bouncing once again, the idea of being this close to those heavenly boys makes my heart flutter but most of all, I can't wait to see Jungkook up in person.

Oh, if only I could be his fated person...

Of course, that wouldn't happen. The universe isn't kind like that. Heck, I don't even stand a change with any of the other boys, leave alone Jungkook.

But a boy can dream, right?


It's only minutes before the concert starts and D made a girl join us. They are happily talking while I'm in my own little world. I snap out of it when I hear my name with D pointing at me. She gives me a small wave and like the bouncing idiot that I am, wave at her with all the energy someone can put in a wave.

The moment the concert starts D tells me the name of that girl. Mei Lee, she is Asian alright. She's actually kind of cute. No, J! You're here to look at the boys! Not at a girl. Get your head in the game, you idiot.

I focus on the seven gods that are standing not too far away from us and drown in the sound of their voices.

After a couple of songs, it's time for Jimin's solo. Promise is a beautiful song and I close my eyes while listening to his heavenly voice. He has the voice of an angel, alright.

I snap my eyes open the moment I feel D leaving my side. She is smashed against the fence by some fangirl that is screaming over V.

V completely ignores the girl and takes D's hand while talking to her. She quickly pulls her hand from his and I pull her close by putting an arm over her shoulder. "D? What's wrong?!" She ignores me so I shake her softly. "Fuck..." Is all she says before slowly looking back at V, he never took his eyes off her.

The moment her eyes return to his he pulls her into a hug. One that she actually returns. I hear girls screaming at her that it isn't fair so I stand behind her, blocking her from view as best I could. Being so close to them I can hear both of them sobbing.

They stay like that until Promise is over and V puts his necklace on her, says something to her and walks away to continue the concert.

I pull her against me but she doesn't even seem to notice. Mei Lee stands beside me while looking at D with worried eyes. "Are they fated?" She asks me in a soft voice. I frown as I think her words over. "She usually never acts like this so it might be possible." I reply but before she can say anything the music starts and her soft voice is washed away.

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