7. Lisa 1

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Lisa's POV.

I remember walking. I remember running and falling. I remember scrapping my knee's on cold stone. I remember muscle aches. I remember the pain when I twisted my ankle but most of all... I remember dancing.

I remember the way my hair would move along with my body. How the air would move trough my fingers and the cold floor underneath me as my shoes made squeaky noises while moving around on it. I remember every painful fall and every successful first attempt. 

God, I want to dance again. I would give everything... even my happiness with my fated person. Please, I beg of you... Allow me to dance again. 

Tears roll down my cheeks while I look out the window of my hospital room. The white walls no longer white after my friends put some pictures up for me. The green tree's outside also helping along. 

The nurses are all the same. They come to check on me and poke my feet hoping for some kind of result, which is something they never get. Then they leave with a small, sad smile. They are all the same. 

Well, all except for one. Hinami is an angel. She comes by whenever her shifts ends or sometimes even before her shift starts. The moment she enters my room is when the best moment of my day starts. Unfortunately, those moments have to come to an end as she has to start her shift or when she has to go home.

Hinami has been taking care of my from day one and we hit it of immediately. I made a sassy remark which she happily answered with a rude joke. I loved her instantly.

How I got here is kind of a stupid story. 

I was at a party at my bff's place when some drunk idiot started hitting on me. I gently pushed him away  while walking away but he followed me. As I went up the stairs he grabbed me and pulled me down. This made me lose my balance and I tumbled down the stairs. Somewhere during the fall I lost consciousness so I don't really remember what happened after that.

When I woke up I was already in the hospital without feeling my legs. I couldn't move them nor could I feel them. I remember crying the whole night.

"You can't be fixed." They said to me. "You have to learn to live like this." I refuse! "Please sweetheart, give up on dancing..." NO! I refuse! 

I sit up covered in cold sweat and I quickly grab my phone, calling Hinami. "Want me to come to your room?" "Y-yes, please..." I know that she is working but I wanted her. Not another nurse. They wouldn't understand.

She doesn't make me wait as she enters the room with cup of tea in her hands. She hands it to me as she sits down on the edge of my bed. "Same dream again?" I nod my head as she wipes some hair away from my face. 

While taking sips from the tea I tell her the dream that she has heard about a thousand times by now. Still she sits quietly and listens carefully. 

Once I'm done she takes the empty cup from me and gives me a gentle smile. "Try to sleep some more, okay?" I nod and lay back down with a small smile. "Thank you, Hinami." She giggles softly as she walks out my room. Closing my door behind her.

A couple of weeks pass by and I starts thinking about other things then dancing. Maybe I am giving up after all...

The most recent topic on my mind is that I will be paralyzed when I meet my fated person. Fuck, I really want to meet them. What will they look like? Will they like me? 

But all to soon does my mind get clouded by self doubt. 

Tears roll down my cheeks while my eyes are focused on the flowers outside. I didn't even hear Hinami enter until she calls my name. "Hey, Lisa." She sits down beside me and I slowly turn to face her. "Hey, Hinami." I hear my voice break a little but ignore it for now. "What's wrong?" She asks while grabbing my hand.

"How will I face my fated person? I am going to be stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of my live?! I always wanted someone who would dance with me but now that dream... is destroyed." More tears roll down my cheeks and she pulls me into a hug. "Ow, sweetheart. You're fated person shouldn't give a damn about something like that. They will love you for who you are and not for what you look like or anything like that."

Hearing her say this calms me a little and I quickly dry my eyes. "How did you meet him? Tell me, please." She nods slowly and leans back on my bed while thinking a bit before she starts talking. 

As she tells her story I listen with my full attention. It sounds so funny how they are just friends. Just kids meeting during a vacation. It sounds to good to be true. She is so damn lucky.

"...Kim Namjoon is his name and.. " I stop her there. Is she kidding me?! "Wait... Kim Namjoon? RM? From BTS?" My shocked expression must be funny since Hinami giggles softly. She nods at me and I grab a pillow before hitting her with it over and over again. "You never thought it was important to tell me that?!" She laughs softly and all to soon does she steal the pillow from me. She smacks me in the face with it. Not fair...

"Excuse me but I didn't know if you were a fangirl or not." "I guess I am... I love their dances, they are always so full of energy. I can't sit still while watching them." I smile brightly at her and make a couple of dance moves with my arms. To bad I can't use my legs...

"Okay then.. if you are a good girl I'll join you here while talking to him once my shift is over. Do we have a deal?" I didn't know that the human body could move this fast but my own nodding makes me dizzy. "It's a deal then. See you in..." She checks the clock. "Two hours." "Till then!" I wave after her, the grin still on my face. 

These are the worst two hours of my live!!! Time has never failed me so badly before. After a while of waiting I put in my earplugs and watch some movie on Netflix.

The moment my door opens I move to put my phone away as I grin at Hinami. "Hey!" "Hey, sooo have you been good?" She asks me while moving to sit beside me. I nod with excitement. "Okay then..."

She grab her phone and starts a FaceTime call with a guy called Joonie. I don't have to think to know who that is. I'm dying on the inside though! I mean I'm getting the chance to talk with THE RM. 

He doesn't make us wait as he answers the call. "Hey Joonie~" "Hey Nami~" They greet each other and I smile at how cute they are. She moves closer to me so she is leaning against my shoulder. "Time to meet my troublesome princess." She says and I look at her with a pout as I push her softly.

"Hi Lisa, nice meeting you!" I turn my attention to RM and wave wildly before talking to him. "Hi, RM! Or... what do you want me to call you?" "RM or Namjoon is fine. Just pick one of them." He says and I bite my lip before looking at Hinami. Well that answer didn't help at all. 

"You know... you never finished your story earlier today." "Hmm... I guess I didn't." "What did I miss?" Namjoon asks from the other side, clearly confused.

"Lisa wanted to know about us. How we found each other and stuff like that." "Stuff like how you finally decided to date me today?" He smirks at her and I gasp softly. Finally?! She made him wait?! Poor boy... "No way... how long did she make you wait?" "Five years..." I gasp loudly again and grab a pillow to smack her with it a couple of times. 

"You evil woman!" "You have no idea~" She says while pinching my cheek.

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