4. Sarah.

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Sarah's POV.

I hate working so late at night. Those days are always so horribly boring while business is slow and of course today was no different. 

The cafe is close to the arena. Said arena is the reason we are open all night. People go watch a game or a show and then afterwards they walk by and come in to get some coffee.

Drunk costumers sometimes enter the cafe and order some coffee. At least some of them do. Others just stare at my boobs until I've had enough and walk away without taking their order. It's not good for business but I'm not letting those men stare at me like that.

By now it is around 2 am. I'm finally free!

I clock out and put my apron in my locker. While leaving trough the front door I wave at my coworker. She is a lovely woman who is fated with the owner of the cafe. He trusts her to close up shop so she's usually here till early in the morning. You could say she is a real night owl.

Once I'm outside I shiver from the cold air that came with the night. My coat is in my hand and I smoothly slide it over my shoulders. I plug my ears with my earplugs and start my walk home. 

While walking I'm texting my roommate Kyle about me heading home. He responds that it isn't save, that he will pick me up and that I have to wait for him at the cafe. I snort and tell him that I'm not afraid to walk home alone. 

The moment I reach the backside of the arena I realize that a show has recently ended. There are girls standing around a fence , screaming loudly among each other.

I roll my eyes and walk past them. Thanks to my earplugs I don't hear the gate open nor do I see the car approach until it is right beside me. Luckily the driver saw me and hits the brakes in time. I stand there with my eyes wide open.

A guy gets out of the car and rushes to me. "You okay?!" He says with an heavy accent. I slowly nod and move to walk away but he grabs my arm.

"Please, let go!" I snap at him and pull my arm free. By doing so I turn towards him and our eyes lock making us both freeze in our spots. "Kim... Seokjin..." His name leaves my mouth as his feeling of anxiety rush trough me. 

"Jin?!" Another guy gets out of the car and looks at us while we are just staring at each other like idiots. 

It's differed then I expected. People say that they get overloaded with memory's, that they are blinded or worse, their entire body shuts down while they collapse on the floor.

For me it is just the sounds. I hear voices talking, music playing and people introducing themselves to Seokjin. I easily identify the unknown guy as Kim Namjoon. "Namjoon, right?" I turn to him and he slowly nods. 

Jin covers his ears and leans back against the hood of the car. He squeezes his eyes shut like he is in pain. There is nothing I can do to help. "I'm sorry but I don't have time for this..." By now the other people got out of the car and now there are a total of 7 guys and 2 girls watching me and Seokjin.

I turn to walk away but Seokjin grabs my arm and clearly isn't planning on letting go. "Sarah... don't go." I push him back against the car and glare at him. "I'm sorry but I already have someone in my live." He looks at me with sad eyes before looking at the floor. 

"Please.. at least stay in contact with me..." I shake my head. "No can do pretty boy."

I promised myself that my fated person would be unluckiest person alive. I don't believe in the whole fated bullcrap. So just because you lock eyes with a total stranger I have to start hanging out with them and/or love them? P-lease.

I start walking away but the group quickly follows me. I ignore them completely.

After about 5 minutes of walking Seokjin tries to get my attention once again by walking beside me. The other join us and now I am in the middle of this large group. I feel like I'm about to be kidnapped or something.

 "Hey! You idiot! Why didn't you wait at the cafe like I told you to?" I hear a voice yell behind me and I release a breath I didn't know I was holding.

I pull myself away from the group and run up to Kyle, grabbing his arm like a girlfriend would. "Hey sweetie~ Missed me?" I peck his cheek. I am allowed to do this since he is totally gay and we have known each other for some years now.

"This your boyfriend?" Seokjin asks me with a raised eyebrow. I nod happily at him but an awkward silence follows soon after.

A giggle interrupts the silence and all the boys turn to look at the petit girl who is laughing. "He's not your boyfriend!" She chokes out while laughing. The guy who is holding her hand looks at us with a smirk. Am I busted?

"Mei Lee? Is that you?!" Kyle walks away from me and towards the group, leaving me with my mouth wide open. "Traitor!" I yell after him but he ignores me.

Kyle rushes to the petit girl and pulls her against him a tight hug. "I missed you my lovely baby girl~" He swirls her around before putting her back down. She grabs the smirking guys hand once agains and the boys shake hands. "Kyle" "Yoongi." Yoongi's smirk turns into a smile.

"I owe you a thank you for saving this angel." Yoongi pulls the girl close to his chest while still smiling at Kyle. "Anybody would have done it!" Kyle rubs the back of his neck nervously before he gasps loudly and grabs the girls shoulders. "Don't tell me..." She nods at him with a big smile on her face. 

Once again he lifts her up before swirling her around. "My baby girl has found her fated!~" He puts her down and they both giggle like little girls.

I'm just watching the scene with Seokjin beside me as I release a big sigh. "So, no boyfriend?" He asks me with a smirk and I slap his arm. 

"Just because we share memory's now doesn't mean that I will fall in your arms. I have always hated the fated person idea." I release another sigh and look him in the eyes once again. "Though I guess I could use a friend..." A smile grows on his face and he quickly gives me his phone number. I save it in my phone and give him a small smile.

"Before the dad jokes start... you have the right to be warned. He is the worst." Namjoon stands beside me and chuckles softly. I smile up at Seokjin and he looks at me with red cheeks and his lip between his teeth. "If you don't like them..." I shake my head. "Dad jokes are just up my alley." His expression turns into a happy one.

My attention is brought back to the others the moment I hear Kyle scream while he sinks to the floor. I rush to his side and wrap him in my arms. "Kyle?! Kyle! What's wrong? Talk to me..."

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