3. Mei Lee

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Mei Lee's POV.

My day started out well. I went to work in the morning and after that I would be going to the BTS concert with a couple of classmates. I wasn't friends with them or anything but since we had BTS in common we decided to go together. 

The problem? All three of them were Yoongi stans and they were slowly driving me insane... I, myself, like all of the members. I wouldn't be able to choose between any of them. Jin's jokes/ mama nature, RM's smartness/ clumsiness, Jimin's mochi personality/ going all out with his dance moves, V's sexy deep voice/ aegyo moments, Suga's savageness/ how lazy he looks but actually isn't, J-Hope's dancing skills/ sunshine personality and Jungkook's ability to do everything/ how he can switch from baby to adult in seconds.

I like all of them and respect all of them a lot. They work so hard to please us yet people treat them like objects they can own. It drives me insane. 


We arrive way too early but that's the price we have to pay for getting good spots. There are already a lot of people and it's giving me anxiety. So many voices can be heard so I decide to put in my earplugs. I slowly relax at the sound of Jungkook's Euphoria. 


Once the doors open, the line moves slowly and it takes us forever to show our tickets. Once inside we stand behind a couple. They seem odd together.

The boy is actually very buff. He has a lot of muscles and has his black hair neatly combed backwards. 

The girl on the other hand is very chubby. Well maybe more than just chubby. She wears an oversized sweater that makes her look even bigger. Her hair is in a messy bun. She isn't wearing any type of make-up. Clearly, she doesn't care about looking good or she has given up somewhere along the line.

My classmates once again start bickering about who would be best for Yoongi and I start playing with my fingers while looking around.

Minutes go by like this till the chubby girl waves me over with a gentle smile. I walk over, curious about what she has to say. "Are they always like this?" I nod at her, not trusting my voice. A nervous smile forms on my lips. "Damn... Stick with us if they are gonna be like that. At least we know how to have fun." She winks at me and I giggle softly while nodding at her. What an odd person.

"I'm Dylana, you?" She holds her hand for me to shake and I do just that. "Mei Lee." I whisper. Damn do I hate the sound of my voice. "This bouncing idiot is Jason." She points at the guy beside her I give him a small wave. In return he grins and waves wildly at me. Somebody has way too much energy. 

As if on cue the music starts up and I start jumping slightly. I can't believe I'm actually here!

After dancing and singing softly along with the songs it's time for Jimin's solo. I am so focused on the boy on stage that I completely miss what is happening with Dylana until Jason is blocking my view on her, I move closer and just stand there awkwardly. 

I see Dylana and V talking before he walks away and Dylana is pulled against Jason. "Are they fated?" I ask. He frowns and seems to think my words over. "She usually never acts like this so it might be possible." He says and I open my mouth to say something else but the music cuts me off. I stay near the two of them and check on them every now and then. Still enjoying the show the boys are giving us.

Once it is time for the boys to have a little break, I feel fingers wrap around my wrist and I am pulled along. "D?! What are you doing?!" I look beside me to find Jason being pulled along as well. Dylana pulls us through a door and releases our hands before looking around in a panic.

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