First Day on the Job

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The call from Strauss came early this morning around seven. Both Marie and I were hired and it was the best thing in the world. I had just finished making breakfast when Marie walked in yawning. She was in black dress pants and just finished buttoning up her white button up shirt as she sat down at the table. I was in a black pencil skirt and a maroon button up that had all but two buttons done. I handed her a sandwich and her coffee as I slipped on my heels and walk out of the door. Spencer looked over and smiled, "M-morning Ashley." I blinked and looked over. I smiled softly and pushed some hair behind my ear softly, "Morning Spencer." He walked over a little, "I heard the great news from Hotch. Welcome to the team." I nodded softly and smiled looking down a little. He looked at me, "You should bring a go bag just encase. We may have a case. Marie's lucky, she gets to stay back with Garcia." I looked up at him and nodded softly, "Thank you for telling me." He nodded and waved a little, "I'll see you at the office." I waved back a little smiling as I turned walking back in and packing a few clothes for a go bag. Marie smiled and walked over, "Someone's got a little honey glow to her cheeks. Did she have a nice conversation with the handsome Dr. Spencer Reid in the hallway?" I blinked and looked over at her, "Marie, no. It was a normal conversation." She smiled and hummed softly, "Yeah okay." I rolled my eyes grabbing my bags and stuff as I walked out and to the car with her. 

We has just got to the office when Strauss met us at the door and took us to get our bandages. After that she dropped Marie off with Garcia and walked me up to get me my gun and then took me up the room that ever one was meeting at. I smiled and sat down beside Rossi as Jennifer or JJ as she goes by started talking about the first case, "Okay so last night in Savannah, Georgia a couple, Amy and Mason Jinkins was found beaten to death in their newly bought house. The husband was found in the living room with blunt force trauma to the head in multiple places and the woman was found in the bedroom, restraints on his wrist and...and she was sexually assaulted. Before them their were another couple with the same MO." I sat and listened as I looked through the file and pictures thinking. Rossi soon pulled me out of my thoughts, "What are you thinking of kid?" I looked over at him and took a breath, "Well looking at the Mr. Jinkins' head the trauma it had to be something thick and round like a baseball bat or a pipe." He looked at me confused, "Why do you say that?" I smiled and took a breath, "Growing up in Bessemer, Alabama wasn't a walk in the park. The crime rat is about 29.8% and 1 in 34 people are most likely to become a victim of the violence. My father was a police officer and some of the files he brought home, well let's just saw people really liked using baseball bats and pipes that were just laying around." Rossi blinked and Derek sighed softly closing his file, "Yep, looks like we have another Reid." I looked over and Hotch nodded, "Wheels up in twenty." They all nodded and walked out. I stood up and felt a small tap on my shoulder. I looked over seeing Spencer. He smiled, "Hey, so Bessemer, Alabama?" I smiled softly and nodded softly, "Yeah that's home for me." He chuckled and walked out with me, "You don't sound like it. Ya know you don't have an accent." I smiled softly, "Trust me I do. Get me upset one time and you'll hear it." He smiled and nodded as I looked up seeing Derek, Emily and JJ all looking a us. I quickly looked down and sped walk off to where Marie was and smiled when she got up walking to me, "This is amazing!" She moved me over as both her and Garcia explained to me about the computers. 

Spencer's P.O.V. 

I watched her face become flushed and her speed walk off. I blinked and looked up seeing Morgan, Emily and JJ watching me. I sighed softly and walked over to them, "Guys will you stop watching us when we talk?" Morgan smiled and nudged my shoulder a little, "Awe come on Pretty Boy, we all can see that you like her." I pushed him back, "And what if I do? All you guys are doing is spooking her off. She's like me around people I don't know, she doesn't like to be watched." I blinked after what I said and Morgan sighed, "Look kid we were just playing around. We know she's iffy around us. And we're sorry for messing up your talk section with her. That's our fault." I nodded and sighed walking off going to hopefully find her before we have to leave. 

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