Trip to Savannah, Georgia

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Ashley's P.O.V.

I was walking out of the office carrying my go bag as I was talking with Rossi. He was talking about one of the other cases they were working on in New York. I looked up at him and nodded softly smiling. Just then I heard my name being called from behind me. I turned around as Rossi smiled and kept walking. Spencer ran up  beside  and smiled out of breath, "Hey, do you wanna ride with me to the airport?" I looked up at him and smiled a little and nodded, "Sure, I was gonna leave the car here with Marie anyways." He smiled as he showed me the way to his car and opened the door for me taking my go bag from me. He set mine and his in the back of the car. He got in driving as he took a breath, "Ashley, what was home life like for a smart girl back in Alabama?" I chuckled softly leaning back sighing, "Not easy. Everyone was always mean to me whether it be pushing me around or pushing me into a locker." He chuckled softly and nodded, "I know how it feels. I was a twelve year old going through high school in Las Vegas." I looked over and smiled. Finally someone that's like me that understands! I smile, "What's your IQ smartie?" He smiled, "187. You're higher then me by two points." I smiled and laughed softly as I leaned back, "That's freaking awesome. First day and I find out I'm smarter then Mr. Genius Garcia is always talking about." He smiles and nods as he pulls into a parking spot in the airport, "Yeah. Just think when we work together nothing will be able to get pass us." I looked up at him smiling as he looked back at me. I blushed a little as he did as well. Just then their was a tap on the window. It was Emily, "Come on you two. Theirs been another killing." I blinked softly as my face flushed. He got out and moved around opening my door as he also got our bags from the back. This was going to be a long trip. 

Marie's P.O.V.

Garcia and I were already on video chat with the plane as the team started coming on. I smiled when I saw Ash get on but dropped my smile when I saw her cheeks looked flushed. I shook off the feeling as Garcia started talking, "Savannah Police Department sent over the victims pictures and they are all on your tablets." I nodded as I watched the group and even Ash look though them, "It's the same thing as before only there's a message carved on the wife's chest." Ash looked at it and took a breath, "It's french. "Mon amour,bientôt nous serons un." Or "My love, soon we will be one." Could this unsub be doing this to try to get the attention of some girl?" Rossi sighs, "If he is he's not only using the language of love hes going after the symbol of love as well. Look at the next picture." Just as Ash did her eyes widened. I sighed and looked down, "That is Mr. Carson's heart with an arrow through it that was found hanging above Mrs. Carson." Spencer sighed but Ash beat him to it, "This unsub is dissolving fast and if he is not caught soon he's going to go after the center of all this. The woman that makes him feel all these emotions." Hotch nodded and took a breath, "Okay, JJ go to the police department and start putting the board together, Morgan and Prentiss go to the first house that was hit, Dave and I will go to the Jinkins' house, Reid and Jacobs go to the Carson's and see if theirs anything they missed and Garcia and Holter triangulate the houses and get us a hunting zone mapped out." We all nodded as Garcia and I hung up. This was going to be a long case. 

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