Wrong Monster

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Ashley's P.O.V. 

It's been about an hour since the team left and I was still reading over the case while Garcia was getting us lunch. Just then a call came in and I clicked the button while talking into the extra head set Garcia gave me, "You've reached the Bat Cave. Batman is not here at the moment but Robin is here to take any request. Speak and be heard." All I could hear was Morgan chuckle, "Good to hear Limpy is feeling better. Where's Garcia?" I rolled my eyes and looked up at Mary's screen, "She's out muscles, but maybe I can help." He laughed softly, "Okay I'm putting you on speaker to talk with Rossi." I hummed as Rossi started asking questions and I started typing away finding more and more dirty things on the guy they were asking about. I sighed and started, "Thomas Rider was a kid with a normal life till his mother died trying to give birth to his younger sister who also died in the process. Since his mother's death from nine up little Tommy has went tot school multiple times with bruises and cuts. Teachers would ask him about it but he would just say he fell or he crashed his bike. Age thirteen, teacher says he walked into school with the same clothes on from the other day and looked all around dirty and shaken up. When the male teacher went to comfort Rider he freaked out and stabbed the teacher in the leg with...scissors. Guys that's the same thing the ME said may have made the wounds on the husbands." I could hear Rossi hum, "Any known address for Thomas?" I tapped a little more and sighed, "He still lives in his old home with daddy-o himself. Rossi I think this man rapped his son those years ago." Just then I heard Spencer's voice cut through the phone, "How would you know by that little report?" I took a breath, "Because I do Reid. And trust me, my report was smaller." I then hung up the phone and rubbed the tears in my eyes away as I heard Garcia clear her throat, "I...I umm..." I nodded softly, "I know. I'll tell you about it over lunch one day." 

Mary's P.O.V. 

I just stood there with everyone else in disbelief. She never talked about that day. She never even hinted at it until now. Derek looked at me, a mixture of confused and worried all over his face. I sighed as Hotch cleared his throat, "Morgan, Mary, and Reid go to Rider's house and bring both him and the father in." I nodded and walked out with Morgan not paying any mind to Reid who was tailing along. Morgan looked at me as we got in the car and started driving, "Did you know?" I nodded," She's my best friend. Even though it came out in a game of truth or dare I would've known sooner or later. It's the reason why she doesn't like her blonde hair. I'll let her share her story when she's ready." Just then I got a text. It was from Ash. 

(A=Ashley     M=Mary)

A: Hey, did my out burst ruin anything?

M: No it didn't. If anything it made Hotch realize what may have happened.   

A: Okay. Garcia and I are planning a dinner for when you all get back so I can explain. Let them know about the dinner but not what it's for. And text me the night before. 

M: I will Ash. Love you. 

A: Love you too. Stay safe. 

(End of Messages)

I took a breath as the car stopped and I got out with Morgan and Reid. This was going to be hard not to beat the father's face in. We soon took them both into custody and brought them into the station for questioning. It wasn't hard for Thomas to explain his father rapped him but he would never hurt anyone like that. He had bee working the night's of the attack. It was a wrong turn but a turn I'm glad we took because now this young man doesn't have to worry about his monster being free anymore, but it's sad how some have to live with it. 

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