Maybe Dreams Don't Come true

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It was the day of the team coming back home and I was so excided to see Mary and Spencer. I was making a simple dinner because I knew Mary would be took tired to eat a big dinner. Breakfast was Mary's favorite food so I thought pancakes would be the best think to make. Just as I finished she walked in the door. I smiled, "Welcome back." I had my newly dyed hair in two tight braids and a pair of sweats and a normal hoodie. I picked up the glass mixing bowl and was walking it to the sink as she ran into the kitchen, "Did you know Spencer had a girlfriend??" Just as that sentence left her mouth I looked up shocked as I dropped the bowl it shattering everywhere. I felt tears well up in my eyes, my voice shaking, "" My head was going a mile a second. He said he liked me. That's why he stopped calling! He found someone better!! I fell to my knees ignoring the pain of the glass as it cut my legs. Mary made her way over to me and hugged me tightly, "Oh hunny, I thought he was different too." I sniffed and hugged onto her arm shaking. She sighs, "You have glass in your legs. I'll put this stuff in the oven. We're going to the hospital." I felt her warmth leave as she moved around the kitchen putting the stuff away. She soon moved over to me with my grey fuzzy crocs and helped me up wrapping some bandages around my legs as we moved out. Just as we got out she must've saw Spencer because she rushed me out of the apartment after locking the door. 

After a few minutes of being in the hospital they had gotten all the pieces of the plate out of my legs and bandaged them up. The nurse moved out of the little curtain room leaving it cracked a little. Mary moved a blanket over my legs as we talked. Just then Morgan and Garcia moved in as they looked at me. Morgan smiled, "We knew it was you two." Garcia moved over to me and hugged me softly, "Oh sugar pie what happened?" Mary looked at Morgan and her as she just held me tighter and Morgan rubbed his head softly. She sighed, "Yes, I told her what we found out and she dropped a plate then she just..." In that moment I felt it all well up again as I hugged Garcia with my non-IV arm and cried. She looked at me and then back up at Morgan. Mary and him soon walked out as I soon fell asleep hugging onto Garcia. 

After my little nap with Garcia the doctor let me leave but told me that I have to use crutches to keep pressure off the wounds. I nodded and after he left I changed into the black dress pants and the ocean blue button up. The doctor said I'm okay to work but I have to stay seated for as long as I can. Garcia heard everything so it's not like I could lie about it to Hotch. She smiled and handed me the crutches, "Okay my little limpy let's get going." I smiled for the first time since I heard the news and moved out of the hospital with her. She drove me to the office just as Morgan and Mary were getting there. She smiled and looked at me, "Hotch says we have a case but with the news of this you're stayed with Garcia and I'm going on the case." I nodded softly and looked up at Garcia as she chuckled, "You're my bitch." We all laughed as we walked in. JJ and Emily was talking to Reid when they saw me move out of the elevator. JJ blinked, "God what happened to Ashley?" Her and Emily moved over to me as Reid just stood there in shock. I of course didn't look at him as I explained to them that I was just being clumsy at home. They nodded as Rossi and Hotch walked out to me as well, "Well Garcia wasn't kidding. How bad are you?" I smiled, "I myself think I'm fine but the doctor wants me to sit as much as I can and to keep pressure off them. Morgan then smirked and rolled an office chair over and sat me down, "Then sit you shall. I'll push her to Garcia's office and we can have her video chat while JJ introduces the case." I blinked as Garcia took my crutches, "Wait what??" He chuckled, "Rolly time girly!" I held onto the chair picking my legs up as he pushed me down the hall, "Wait! Derek Morgan I swear if you hit the wall!!" I could hear the others laugh but the laugh I didn't hear was Spencer's. Did I care? No....yes. I did but he's got a girlfriend so it's not my place to care. 

A few minutes later Garcia had set up the video chat as JJ started, "Okay so this time it's a big one. Recently married men are being killed while their wives are being tied up and stuffed into a closet." I listened as I looked at the files. JJ continued, "Plus the men.... were raped." I looked up a little, "So he's getting rid of the wives, and having sex with the men then killing them. The way he's putting the wives in is like how a child would hid in a closet like their playing hide and seek. Maybe he was traumatized at a young age?" Rossi nodded softly, "I agree the way these women were sitting it's like a child." Hotch nodded, "They just had their third killing yesterday. We have time to stop this before it continues. Wheels up in thirty."

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