Chapter 24 - Sam and Jesse

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I gritted my teeth as my mother burst into another "charming" fit of laughter.

"You two were always sneaking around the house. I remember when I caught Clementine trying to leave in the middle of the night with you waiting at the bottom of her window." My mother laughed along with Pierre.

"Mr.Bourgeois wasn't so happy about that one." Pierre laughed and I was impressed at how quickly I had learned at faking a perfect smile.

"I can't believe I was so wild." I muttered sipping my champagne as my mother softly scoffed.

"Excuse me for a moment. I need to go to the ladies room." She smiled, standing up and discreetly giving me a knowing look. I fought the urge to roll my eyes and instead smiled back politely.

"So, what have you been doing all this time?" Pierre asked cutting into his meal.

"Uh, nothing pretty much. Jesse's been helping me try to remember what happened before the accident so I was mostly doing that and resting." I explained. He nodded and I saw him fidget for a while.

"Is something wrong?" I asked.

"Oh, nothing." He smiled but I could tell he wanted to say something. After taking a sip of water, her cleared his throat and finally said what he was thinking.

"It's just your friend. He seems quite....rough." He said. I almost stood up and flipped the table on him but instead plastered another dainty little smile and laughed like my mother did.

"Jesse is a good guy. I know his family personally and they're good people too." I explained. He nodded and looked away but I could tell there was something else he wanted to say.

"I'm sorry for being so blunt but, have you and him ever....?"

There it is.

He looked uncomfortable and I wanted to make him squirm a little more for even asking me this but then I thought about how he had a right. I was his "fiancé" after all. I would have wanted to know to if it was the other way around.

"No. We haven't slept together if that's what you meant." I replied thinking about how that was partially true.

I may not have had sex with Jesse but we were more than just friends. I thought the way his lips would feel on mine. The way he would hug me every time he had the chance and the laughs we've shared waking up in the same bed in each others arms. Pierre continued to watch me and I shook my head again.

"We're just friends." I said.

Pierre nodded and I could tell he wanted to ask me more but changed topics instead after seeing the look in my eye.

"Aren't you glad to be home? You used to love Paris, do you still like it now?" He asked changing topics and smiling boyishly at me. I genuinely smiled back and shrugged.

"It's Paris. What's not to like?"

"Just wait until you see the new city center. They've completely remodeled and decorated it with your favorite stores and that wonderful little macaroon place you adore." He continued smiling and I shook my head with a small laugh. I was laughing at the thought that I was the type to have a favorite macaroon place.

"I've missed you Clements. So much." He said suddenly all serious and laced his fingers through mine, giving a gentle squeezed. I was at a loss of what to say so instead blushed quietly.

"I have a present for you." He grinned and dug around his pockets for a while before bringing out a small black velvet box. I felt the blood drain from my face thinking it was the ring but inwardly sighed with relief when it turned out to be a silver charm for my bracelet instead.

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