Clan Roster Part 1

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All Clans (at the time Morningkit was a warrior)
Deepstar- ShadowClan's leader, dark brown fur with one white paw, burgundy eyes, she-cat Apprentice: Fallenpaw
Reedpelt- ShadowClan's deputy, dark brown tabby with forest green eyes, Tom-cat
Sagebrook- ShadowClan's medicine cat, white she-cat with gray spots, light green eyes Apprentice, Swanpaw
Morningshadow- tortoiseshell coat, white belly and paws, small, she-cat, amber eyes
Dawnshade- calico She-Cat with amber eyes
Vixenflower- ginger tabby and white she cat with yellow eyes, apprentice Leafpaw
Hollowstone- brown tabby Tomcat with forest green eyes and a white belly, apprentice Newtpaw
Gingerwhisker- Ginger tabby tomcat with amber eyes
Halfwhisker- white tomcat with small whiskers and blue eyes, almost deaf
Sorrowstone- brown and gray shecat, almost blind.
Swanpaw- white shecat, feathery fur, sky blue eyes, medicine apprentice
Shimmerpaw- black shecat with sleek fur and amber eyes
Fallenpaw- gray she cat with bright yellow eyes
Leafpaw- brown tabby tomcat, blue eyes
Newtpaw-tortoiseshell shecat with one green eye and one yellow eye
Tulipstem- black and gray shecat with amber eyes (mother of Morningshadow, and Shimmerpaw)
Cowspot- black and white shecat with blue eyes, expecting Gingerwhisker's kits

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