Chapter Three

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Gilbert and I walked to our class. Believe it or not, (Y/n) was there. With Ivan. They were both talking in the front of the class, however there weren't any seats next (Y/n) so I decided to sit in the seat behind her, my brother sitting next to me. (Y/n) seems to notice us and turns around. She smiles and waves. "Hey, Luddy." She says, then she looks at Gilbert awkwardly and smiles. Though it's strained.

"Hi Gilbert." She says curtly, when he says nothing, she furrows her brows and presses her lips into a thin line. "Rude..." Ivan grumbled, Gilbert looks over at him, his eyes slanted. "Sorry, I didn't ask you." He snapped, Ivan looks at him, his face expressionless. "You didn't have to. It's just that (Y/n) is my friend and seeing you ignore her is obviously making her upset." He says calmly, but there was something about him that was almost... Unnerving.

(Y/n), obviously sensing the tension, distracts Ivan. "Hey! Uh... I meant to ask, why do you wear that scarf all the time?" She asks, suddenly Ivan's entire demeanor changes. He smiles at her sweetly. He begins to talk about his sister and how he gave her that scarf and how they got separated due to some personal matters. I watched how she looks at him, intently listening to every word he says. After a few more minutes of waiting, the teacher walks in.

"Alright, can someone pass out the textbooks?" Some random kid with long-ish blondish-brown hair with violet eyes was chosen to pass out the books. "I don't want these books written on, worn down, and if there are any pages ripped I will found out and give you detention." He says as the random kid passes out the books. "Open your books to the first cover and when everyone gets one, I'll call out your names and you'll tell me the number you have."

Gilbert nudges me and point to the cover of his book, smiling triumphantly. "I got number one! They must know I am the awesomest!" He whisper-shouted. We both turned our heads when we heard (Y/n) giggle. "What is so funny, (Y/n)?" Ivan asks, genuinely curious. (Y/n) shakes her head, but I cannot see her expression. "Nothing. Don't worry about it, Ivan." She says, still giggling.

Time skip

I was walking home with (Y/n). We skipped Club Orientation. The boy from the art room runs over to (Y/n), a boy looking similar to him following slowly after. "I'm glad I caught up to you, bella!" He said in a rather annoying voice. "Feliciano...? What are you doing here?" She asks, confused. "I finished the drawing I was gonna give you!" He says, the other boy finally makes it over. (Y/n) jumps at the sight of him. "Don't worry! Lovino isn't going to do anything. Probably just going to tell you how pretty you ar-"

He's cut off by "Lovino" hitting him on the head. "Shut the hell up bastard." He growled, Feliciano smiled weakly and pulled out a rolled up piece of paper. (Y/n) takes it and opens it. I look away, not caring until I hear her gasp. I look over to the paper, and I am shocked myself. There were little things that I took note of. Like how her eyes were cast downwards looking at the paper, how her hair was tucked behind one ear gingerly, and how she seemed to be writing down a number??

"I wrote my number on it so you can call me anytime, bella~" Feliciano says and winks, I was about to say something but I am stopped by (Y/n)'s laughter. "Okay! Of course I'll call you~" She says, Feliciano smiles while Lovino looks away, seemingly angry. (Y/n) waves to them and we start walking home. But she keeps looking at that picture. "(Y/n)." I say curtly after a while, she rolls the picture up again and looks at me. "Yeah?" She asks.

"Is there something bothering you? You were going to tell me something yesterday but then you left so suddenly..." I ask, she turns her head so that she's facing forward and smiles. "Don't worry about it. I was just nervous for the first day, that's all." She says, but there's something off about her. "I'm here for you, you know. You know you can talk to me, right?" She suddenly stops walking, her head down. "Ludwig." She says seriously, I turn to look at her.

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