Chapter Twenty-Three

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He opens the door and looks at her. "I'm going to go see if (Y/n) is okay."

Logan sighs as he stuffs his hands into his pockets. He was almost at (Y/n)'s house. He ran a hand through his hair and bit his bottom lip. How on Earth was he going to explain the mess his sister caused?!

Hey, (Y/n) you look wonderful today despite the fact that my sister bullied and hit you-

No! That's stupid! She'd hate him for sure! He didn't have time to think of anything else, however, because once he got close enough to her house he heard yelling and shortly after (Y/n) storms out, wiping her tears and walking away from the door and to the house next door, but nobody answered so she continued down the street.

"(Y/n)! Get back here!" An older woman called from the porch, her mother. An unfamiliar man walks out and puts his hand on her shoulder. "She'll be back. This is just teenage nonsense."

Logan quickly walks past the house, ignoring the man's stare as he catches up with (Y/n). "Hey," the (h/c) haired girl jumps at the sound of his voice and speeds up, careful to hide her face. "(Y/n)!" He says, grabbing her shoulder and turning her to face him. He freezes dead in his tracks.

Her face has bruises and cuts all over it, her eyes are red and puffy and she looks like she's upset... almost scared. "You okay?" He asks, she takes a couple steps back and continues running off towards a woodsy area.

What the hell?

Someone puts their hand on his shoulder and he turns around to see that man from earlier. The one who was watching him. "Hello. You're Logan, correct?"

"Who's asking?"

The man laughs, the corners of his eyes crinkling. "It seems you know my daughter, yes? Let's talk more about that."


"You brought him inside?!"

Natalia looked shocked to hear the blonde's words. "You mean you can see him?" She asked, pointing up to the air. "He can see me?" (B/n) questions, looking from Natalia to Arthur. "What are we looking at here, dudes?" Alfred asks, looking at the two of them. "Nobody." Arthur and Natalia say in unison.

Gilbert stands up, frustrated. "This meeting is going nowhere. I'm leaving." He gets up and walks out of the house, shortly after, everyone else leaves except for Natalia, Arthur, (B/n), and Alfred.

"Natalia. I want to talk to this guy alone okay? I'll see you later kiddo." (B/n) says, Natalia nods to him and then nods at Arthur. "Alfred. Could you go out and get me some tea?"

"Arthur, dude. You realize the lines are going to be super long-"

"Just do it you git!" He hissed, the sandy blonde rolls his eyes and walks out. "Now. What is it that you want to talk about, chap?" The tall man stares down at him coolly. "Since you're the only other person who seems like they can see me... I want you to watch over my sister."

"Your sister is (Y/n), correct?"


"Is there a reason you believe she can't take care of herself?" (B/n) sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "It's not that. It's just that she doesn't know how to ask for help or lean on someone when she needs to. She tries to handle things by herself without saying anything. You know this. Why are you questioning me?"

"I just want to see where you're coming from. Excuse my manners but I have no clue who you are. Nor do I know anything about you. I understand your motivation but I believe if (Y/n) wanted my help she'd ask." This obviously made (B/n) aggravated. "Were you not listening?! She doesn't know how to fucking ask. She's afraid to ask for help and she pushes herself to be the best at everything. If she doesn't do things perfectly she puts herself down. I just want her to live a happy healthy life. One without too much stress or worry."

"That's very sweet of you. But I fear my new involvement will only make her upset with me."

(thiiiis is an unfinished chapter and is the last one I worked on. honestly idk if this chapter will exist in the new version I'll have to see if it follows the flow of the story or not. okay well that's all! Ily guys thank you so much for sticking with me for so long <3)

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