Chapter Nine

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       Alfred tilts his head and looks at you curiously. "So, how did you get those marks on your wrists?"

       You swallow hard and look at him coolly. "I told you that I didn't know, so back off. Please." You spat, rather harshly. Alfred's blue orbs widen in surprise and he backs up. "Sorry, dudette. Didn't mean to offend." He apologizes awkwardly. "It's okay... I just-"

       You were interrupted by the door opening. (S/n) walks in. She marches up to you and puts both hands on your shoulders forcefully, you wince in response. "Alright, what did you do!?" She hissed, you blink at her in confusion. "What are you talking about?" You question, your eyebrows knitted together.

       "Don't play dumb with me, you idiot! What did you do to get mom to crash the car!? Honestly what were you thinking!? That maybe if you died (b/n) would come back to life!? You could've gotten mom killed!" She snapped, your throat becomes dry and you glance at the two onlookers. "Can we talk about this at home?" You pleaded, she glares daggers into your soul.

       "Why? Right here is fine. Now I want you to tell me what you did right now." She demanded, you balled your fists together. "If I wanted to kill myself I would've done it without letting you or mom being in harms way!" You spat, pushing her hands off you. 

       "Besides, you guys would be much better off without me." You spoke bitterly, you thought (S/n) was going to say something but you were met with a slap in the face. "I can't believe you just said that! Are you a fucking idiot!? You should know how much we love you!" She said, her voice higher pitched. "I am so telling mom what you said later." She growled, spinning on her heels and swiftly walking out.

       You felt numb. The only thing you could feel was the stinging of your cheek. "Well that was awkward..." Alfred mumbled, Arthur smacks him upside the head and starts dragging him away. "Goodnight, (Y/n)." He calls, you don't respond, you just stare down at your hands.

Ludwig's POV

       "I'm sorry, I don't understand... Why do you need to know about that nurse specifically?" Matthew asks innocently. He told us that the nurse with brown hair and blue eyes was there when he dropped (Y/n) off. In fact, he was the only nurse there. Francis and Gilbert are pacing back and forth. "I knew there were rumors but I didn't think that...!" Gilbert muttered.

       "Well, they must have come from somewhere!" Francis says, Gilbert throws his arms in the air. "Well I didn't think they'd be true!"

       "What wouldn't be true?" Matthew asks, my brother and Francis exchange looks. "There have been a few rumors going around since before we attended the school that the nurse he... Well he sexually assaulted young female students. I'm afraid that's what happened to (Y/n)." Francis explains, my blood runs cold and I see Matthew paling.

        "What are we going to do about it?!" I ask, desperate to bring justice to someone as vile as him. Francis sighs and shrugs. "I'm afraid there's not much we can do. Countless amounts of girls have reported him, but nothing ever gets done." He says sadly, Gilbert sighs. "Thanks for your help anyways, come on bruder. Let's go home."

      We walk back to the car and as we pull out of the driveway I swear I caught a glimpse of a scarf in the corner of my eye.

Time skip and Author's POV

       It's been a couple days since the car accident and you started going back to school. People who passed you in the hall murmured their condolences. You walked into homeroom and you gasped when you sat down and saw that Ivan had a bandaged hand. "Ivan! What happened?" You ask, concerned.

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