Chapter Four

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      You finally arrive to the house and Feliciano ushers you inside. A man with wild brown hair and a somewhat beard on his face. When he spots you he smiles and gives you a big hug. "Ah! You must be (Y/n)! Feliciano wouldn't stop talking about you ever since he came back from school today!" He roars, letting you go. You turn to Feliciano who is blushing. "Grandpa Roma! You're not supposed to tell her that!" He whines, the man lets out a hearty laugh.

      "My name is Romeo but you can call me Roma, (Y/n)." He says, you give him a tiny nod. "Well, what are you all waiting for!? Dinner is ready!" He shouted, practically pushing everyone into the kitchen. You all take your seats. Roma starts talking to all the boys about their first day. You were silent. It's not that you didn't want to talk, you just thought it was awkward considering you only just met these people. 

Maybe this was a mistake...

      "(Y/n)!" You jumped at your name, you looked up to see Roma looking at you intently. "Uhm... Y-yes...?" You stutter, mentally kicking yourself for doing so. "How was your first day of school?" He asks, smiling at you kindly. Everyone (besides Lovino) was looking at you, so you kind of felt embarrassed and on the spot. "It was good... But I uh... I got lost a couple times. But... Antonio helped me find my way around..." You said, trying to keep your voice as cool as possible and keeping your blush to a minimum.

      Roma's smile widened, if that was even possible. "That's my grandson! Always a gentleman. What about the others?" He asks, you look around the table. "Well uh... Francis walked to school with me and I talked to Feliciano at art and he drew a picture for me." You say, Roma looks happy, but then he frowns. "What about Lovino?" He asks, In the corner of your eye, you could see him paling. 

      You smiled and started thinking fast. "He helped me with my work in math." You lied, but it was enough for Roma. He looked ecstatic. "I knew he would help a damsel in distress! All of my grandsons would." He says proudly. You glance at Lovino to see that he was looking at you, he looks back to his plate again as soon as your eyes meet. "Anyways, how's the pasta? Do you like it?" Roma asks, you smile and nod. "It's delicious."

Time skip

      After dinner, you noticed Lovino go sit by himself. You felt bad. You did lie, but you didn't want him to get in trouble. Suddenly, your phone rings. You check your phone to see your brother is calling. You ignore it. You'll call him back later.

      You made your way over to Lovino and sat next to him. He glances at you but then looks away. "You didn't have to do that, you know." He muttered. "I know." You say quietly. "It's obvious that Feliciano is grandpa's favorite anyways." He grumbled, you furrowed your eyebrows and look at him.

      "What do you mean?" You ask, he huffs and tries to ignore your look. "Feliciano is perfect. He's nicer, he's more artistic, he can sing... But I can't do any of those things. Everyone would rather be around him than me." He said glumly. "Hey, that's not true." You said softly before you could even think about what you were saying. He looks at you in alarm and jumps up. "Eh!? You can't just say that, you bastard!" He yelps, blushing. Everyone looks over to where you are.

      "Lovi? Is something wrong?" Antonio asks, neither of you say anything. You were shocked at his outburst and he was embarrassed for shouting, and what you said of course. Before Antonio could say or do anything else, you stand up quickly. You laugh nervously, looking at your wrist as if checking the time. "Well, dinner was great! But oh! Look at the time! 9:00! I gotta go!" You say and rush out of the house. No one follows you. 

Antonio's POV

      I watched her run out of the house quickly, obviously she was embarrassed. I check the time. It was only 7:30...? Feliciano laughs, he checked the time as well. "Ah, (Y/n)... She's funny!" He says, somewhat dreamily. Though I'm not sure whether that's Feliciano being Feliciano or him having feelings for her. But I'm sure it's the former. We all did just meet after all. Wanting to get to the bottom of things, I walk over to Lovi.

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