Chapter Seven

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Feliciano's POV

        "Is this... Feli?" A man's voice says, he sounds super serious. "Yup! But uh... Who's this?" I ask, the man pauses. He's talking to someone in the background, I gulp. "I'm sorry to inform you, but your friend has been in a terrible accident."

        My throat becomes dry. Tears start to spring out of the corners of my eyes. "Hello...?" The man asks hesitantly. "What... What kind of accident?" I ask quietly, it's all I could say. The man pauses for a while. There's more mumbling in the background. "Feliciano! I told you no pho-" Grandpa Ralph stops when he sees my reaction. "It... She was in a car accident." The man says, almost apologetically.

        "I... I see. But why did you call me?" I rasp, the man takes a deep breath. "Her mother's phone is missing and hers was left. You're second person in the Emergency Contacts. I would like to ask you to come to (insert hospital name) Hospital to identify these two women. Please." The man says, I swallow hard. "R-right. Yeah..." I say quietly. "B-before you hang up, who's the first person in the emergency contact list?" I ask, afraid of the answer.

        "Her brother." He says simply.

Gilbert's POV

        I was just hanging out with Antonio and Francis, we were going to the movies and I was gonna pick out what we're watching because they pick out unawesome movies to watch. The three of us were sitting in Francis's car when the driver slowed down. We all looked out to window to see why. Everyone was slowing down to look at a car smashed into a tree. I just shrugged, who would want to look at something like that?

        I was about to turn away when I noticed the license plate of the car. My throat became dry and my heart stopped. I reached over to Francis, not taking my eyes off the scene. "Tell him to stop the car." I say, my eyes wide. "What? Why-"

        "Do it!" I shouted, Francis shrugged and opened the window that separated us from the driver. "Stop the car, mon ami." The driver complied. I opened my door and began running to the car. "What are you doing!? Come back!" My friends called after me. But I couldn't stop. The cops noticed me running over.


        I got closer to the car, the cops stood in my way. "Sir, you can't be here." One of them said, I tried to look around him.

Come on... 

        "Sir! We need you to leave!" Another said, I tried to push past them.


        A cop grabs me and struggles to pull me away. I throw my weight on his arm and continue to look into the windows of the car.

Don't tell me...

        I see an older woman with (h/c) hair, her face resting in a now deflated airbag. She's bloody, glass sticking out of her skin. My heart beats faster as I look past the woman in the driver's seat.

She's not...

        "Sir, please!" The cops trying to pull me way pleads. Once I get the right angle to see into the car, I stop dead in my tracks. I see (Y/n) laying there, her head is bleeding, she's covered in glass, her arms are laying on the dashboard. But what scares he the most is that her air bag never activated. "Frau!" I screamed, pushing the cop off me and running around to her side of the car. 

        Another cop was there, he was on the phone. He hangs up and turns to me, I notice the contact name is "Feli." But I ignore it and swing open the car door. The ambulance arrives. "F-frau..." I say softly, I slowly walk towards her and hold her hand. "Do you know this young lady?" The cops asks me, I nod. "Her name is (Y/n) (L/n)... Her mother's name is (M/n) (L/n)." 

       I turn around and look at the cop with pleading eyes as the paramedics come over. "Please... Let me stay with her. I've known her since we were little kids." I pleaded, the cop sighs. "Alright... Fine. Hey, let this young man ride in the back with her." The cop says, one of the paramedics nods and motions for me to follow them while they wheel the two into the car. I sit next to her and hold her hand.

        I pull out my phone and text Antonio and Francis on the situation. I went into my contact list and dialed Ludwig's number. He picked up immediately. "Hello?" He asks, I swallow hard. My heart is pounding. "Bruder... It's the f... It's (Y/n). She... She got hurt. We're on our way to the hospital now. I'll send you the address." I say quietly, Ludwig is silent for a minute.

        "Is she... Is she going to make it...?" He asks, I look at the paramedics. "Will she...?" I ask quietly, one of them looks at me seriously. "She'll live but she might not remember some things. She hit her head pretty hard and I believe her legs could be broken." He says quietly. "Yeah, she's going to be just fine." I respond, Ludwig sighs in relief.

        "Thank god... I can't wait to see her." He says almost wistfully. His tone make me tense up. Why did he say it like that? Does he... Does he like her or something? I brush that thought away. 

Impossible. We've just known her for so long, that's all.

        I look down at her, there's cuts all over her face from the glass. The paramedics got almost all the glass off her. She looks kinda... Peaceful in a way. I squeeze her hand as I remembered Ludwig's outburst on me caring for her wellbeing.

I'm sorry I hurt you, Frau. I didn't want to ignore you. But it was only to protect you and my bruder... If I didn't push you both away you could've gotten into danger...

        I tightened my grip on her hand as we pulled into the hospital. I also see Francis's car pull into the parking lot along with a few other cars. Antonio and Francis exit his car, their cousins and grandfather exit another car, Ludwig and (Sister's name) get out of another car, and then I see those two rich kids Alfred and Arthur exit their car and hurry inside. I can't help but scowl.

Why are all of  them here?!

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