Chapter Eighteen

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          You weren't prepared for this.

          After everyone showed up things became a little chaotic. Everyone as in Francis, Matthew, Antonio, Gilbert, Ludwig, Kiku, Arthur, and Alfred. Why the last two were there was beyond you. But as soon as everyone was here they started with their shenanigans. They strictly as in, Antonio, Gilbert, Francis, and Alfred.

          They were fooling around, Lovino yelled at them (poor boy had to yell louder because Alfred was with them this time), Feliciano, Ludwig and Kiku sat in one corner conversing together, Arthur promptly writing checks for Roma to repay him for all damages done by the four "wankers" as he put it, and then there was you and Matthew, watching everything unfold.

          Eventually everyone settled down and sat down on the living room floor. Roma popped his head inside the room wearing a light coat. "Are you going somewhere, Roma?" You asked from your spot by the armrest of the love seat. "Just call me Nonno, (Y/n)." He says, you nod and squirm under some people's gazes.

          "I'll be back in a few hours." He paused before leaving. "And if you're going to do anything," he tossed a box in the middle of the room, "please use protection." 

          You looked at the box, suddenly putting two and two together. Your face becomes a very prominent shade of red. "Nonno! That's disgusting!" Lovino yells, throwing the box at his grandfather who simply laughs and dodges it before leaving.

          You flop backwards, your hands over your face and startling everyone with the noise. "Y-you okay, (Y/n)?" Matthew asks, you move one of your fingers so you can look at him with one eye. "Yes," you straighten out your left arm and pat his leg, "I'm all good, Mattie. I just need to die for a bit." Feliciano shoots up from his spot and grabs your shoulders.

          "Nooo! (Y/n), you can't die! You can't!" He starts crying and shaking you. "We still have so much to do together! We need to make pasta, eat that pasta, play games, pick flowers, get lost," he keeps listing off thing but you can't understand him. 

          You grab his wrists and pull them upwards. "Feli! It was a figure of speech! I'm not actually going to die!" You say, a laugh bubbling up inside you. "Oh, what a relief!" He breathes, throwing his arms around you and knocking the both of you back down. 

          "Oof..." You smirk to yourself knowing that the comments will be spammed with different variations of 'oof.' Or maybe not because nobody comments for s-- "Stop breaking the fourth wall." Ludwig snaps, you open your mouth wide and throw your arms in the air. "But I didn't even say anythin---" Ahem, sorry about that. What you're supposed to say is:

          "Heh. Ow." You chuckle, patting Feliciano's back until he sits up. Gilbert slinks over to you with a sly smirk and puts his arm around your shoulders. "Well, it is just us here--" You put your hand on his face and push him away, chuckling. "Yeah okay. Calm down, casanova."

           "Hey! I know what we should do!" Alfred announces, making everyone turn their attention to him. "We should play..... TRUTH OR DARE!"
"No." Arthur immediately says.

           "You're playing! Everyone's playing! Right, (Y/n)?" Alfred looks at you with pleading eyes, you shrug. "Whatever you say." He grins and pumps a fist in the air. "Alright! Everyone get in a circle!" Alfred ushers everyone into a circle, even though some put up a fight.

           "Who's going first?" You question, Feliciano eagerly raises his hand. "I'll go first! (Y/n), truth or dare?" You ponder for a moment before replying. "Ehhhh.... Daaaarrrrreee.....?" Feliciano gets up quickly and runs to the kitchen and comes out with a cup of what you think is vinegar.

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