Chapter Five

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       You start getting ready for school early. Mostly because you barely slept the night before. Actually, you didn't sleep at all. You took a shower at 4am and cleaned the house twice. After a while, you decided to grab something quick to eat and leave for school. You weren't hungry, but you knew that you had to eat something. Your mother and sister still weren't home. 

Probably still at the hospital...

       You sigh and walk to school, knowing you're going to be early. But you don't bother to look at your phone. Not even when you get a notification. Trying not to dwell on upsetting topics, you count all the cars that sped past you. But the thought of cars made your head spin and your heart pound, so you just stared at the ground as you walked. Suddenly, your face collides with someone's back. You hold your nose, trying to blink back tears. "Whoa, you okay du- Oh hey! I know you!"

       You look up to see Alfred grinning down at you. He's holding a bag and tray of two drinks from Pipin' Pastries. It's a café, you enjoy their coffee/tea. You move your hand from your nose and Alfred jumps. "Oh, geez! Here, let me help...!" He hands you the tray and cups and fishes a napkin out of the bag. He takes the napkin and wipes your nose, and that's when you notice your nose was bleeding.

      "Uhm... Thanks..." You say, he smirks triumphantly, reminding you of a victorious child. "Well, I am a hero after all!" He says proudly, then he tilts his head to the side. "Why are you out so early? School doesn't start for another hour and a half." He says, you avert your eyes as he takes the tray and bag from you. "I uh... Just wanted to get to school early and wander around the halls, try to get used to the area, you know?" You lied, your face red.

       However, out of the corner of your eye, you see Alfred grinning. "Let me buy you something and you can get a ride to school with me and Iggy." Alfred offers, now it's your turn to be confused. "Who's Iggy?" You ask, Alfred starts laughing. "What's so funny?" You ask, he wipes a tear from his eye. "Nothing, I just keep forgetting that you're a freshman." He chuckles.

What's that supposed to mean...?

       "Iggy is my brother, Arthur." Alfred explains, you nod and let out an "ah." He looks at you expectantly, you furrow your eyebrows. Alfred sighs and grabs your hand and drags you into the Pipin' Pastries that you didn't realize was there until just now. "What are you doing?" You ask, he stops at the counter and orders you (favorite coffee/tea/energy drink). You stare at him in awe as you wait for them to get your drink.

       "How'd you know that drink was my favorite?" You ask, he shrugs. "I dunno. That's just what I got." He says nonchalantly. Once you get your drink, Alfred leads you out and you walk in silence for a bit until you stop abruptly. "What am I doing? Sorry for bothering you, Alfred... I should go to school now." You say, about to walk away. 

       "Nah, it's cool dudette. You don't have to walk. Just let us take you to school." Alfred says, staring at you intently. "Uhm... Alright." You say somewhat awkwardly. You turn an see a huge house, Alfred starts walking towards it and turns around when he realizes you're not following. "Come on!" He says, beckoning you over. You hesitantly follow him into his over-sized house. 

       He makes you sit and wait for him in the living room while he gets Arthur. While you're waiting, you stare down at your drink which you've only just started drinking. You could feel your legs trembling, you squeeze them together to try and stop them from shaking. Tears well in your eyes. You feel selfish. Selfish for allowing Alfred to buy you something you didn't need. Selfish for allowing him to have your drive to school. Selfish for taking him off your mind.

       You could still feel your heart stop when your mother called you. The adrenaline that pumped through your veins. Your throat closing. Your mouth turning dry. Your face paling. The tears springing from your eyes. You remember all of those feelings you had. You couldn't help but feel like you didn't deserve this stupid drink Alfred bought you or even the pleasure of being drove to school. You get up and walk out the front door, leaving your drink on the coffee table.

[OLD] Escaping the Friendzone (Various! Hetalia x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now