Back to Berk

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Toothless's POV

As soon as we had the stretch blanket we put the She Fury, which is what I am calling her for now, on. We started flying back to Berk, we needed to get there as soon as possible. One so we could help the She Fury and two because we were gone for a night and no one knows where we are. Hookfang and Stormfly are holding the ropes of the stretch blanket, I trust them but I can't help but look back every once in a while to make sure they're okay. The She Fury looks really peaceful and pretty when she's sleeping. Wait what am I thinking?! I quickly loo back forward and direct my eyes on the water, what was that? I had this feeling near my stomach just now, and it's not because I'm hungry. I feel my face get warmer and I start feeling a little dizzy.

"Are you okay bud?" Asks Hiccup, concerned.

I nod, I feel a little better now that he broke the silence but I still feel warm in the head.

1 hour later...

"Look there's Berk!" Exclaims Belch.

"Finally, I thought we would never get back!" Complains Barf.

"Oh shush you two! You might wake the She Fury. And I don't think she would be happy to know we just technically kidnapped her. I know I wouldn't" Says Meatlug in a hushed tone.

We soon get to Berk and the people below are coming toward us with relieved and worried expressions.

"Son! Where have you been? I thought you got lost, I was just about to send out a search party for you!" Says Valka running up and hugging Hiccup.

"I know, and I'm sorry. But you will not believe what we found!" Hiccup exclaims while looking up and nodding at the others to place the stretch blanket down. They place I gently down and the sides fall down. Revealing the She Fury.

"Oh my!" Valka breathes.

"You found another Night Fury!" She gasps, shocked but happy at the same time. Whispers of shock and awe ripple through the crowd.

"We found him on a hidden island that Toothless was drawn to." Hiccup explains.

"She." Valka corrects.

"I hate to break up this moment but I think SHE is waking up, so we better get her to the arena before we lose out heads!" Shouts Snotlout.

"He's right Hiccup, I don't think this Fury will be happy to know we just took her away from her island." Astrid agrees nervously.

"Alright, let's get her to the arena." Hiccup agrees and we pick up the ropes and fly her to the arena. We land in the arena and place her gently on the ground.

"Well you guys watch her, I have to go deal with some stuff I missed while we were gone." Hiccup explains. He pats my head and leaves. I just watch the She Fury. I quietly walk over to her and nudge her head. She groans and seems to start waking up. The other riders and their dragons leave and stand above the arena to observe. I, however, stay in the arena and wait for her to wake up.

3 minutes later...

"Ugh my head..." The She Fury groans.

"And where am I?..." She follows shortly after.

"You're on Berk." I tell her. She quickly snaps her head to me and growls.

"Why would you take me here!? This place is crawling with humans and other dragon pets!" She growls.

"We are not pets!" Shouts Hookfang from above. I shake my head. I look back to the She Fury who tries to stand up but topples over onto her side.

"Looks like you need some time to recover." I point out plainly.

"Gee no kidding, since you're the one that caused this!" She snaps back fiercely. I couldn't disagree with her there.

"Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you." I apologize.

"But you left me with no choice, you would have flown away and I might never have gotten to see you again." I finish.

"That's no excuse!" She pouts and looks away. I sigh. I leave the arena and she curls up, head facing away from me.

5 minutes later...

She Fury's POV

That dumb Night Fury! I should have known sending out that signal was a bad idea! I only sent it out trying to find another Night Fury, not a Night Fury pet and his friends! Ugh!

"Would you all stop watching me it's really creepy!" I shout up to the dragons watching me from outside this cage.

"We have to, kinda, you're the first Night Fury we've seen besides Toothless." The Monstrous Nightmare responds.

"So that's his name? Sounds kind of dumb to me." I almost say to myself.

Speaking of him, he just came back through the entrance and is walking over to me.

"What do you want?" I ask him harshly.

"You looked hungry so I thought I would bring you some food." He says before he regurgitates a bunch of fish. Now that I think about it, I am pretty hungry. I cautiously move my head closer to the fish, my eyes not leaving this 'Toothless' fellow. I suck up the fish in one gulp and lick my lips.

"Thanks..." I whisper. I turn away, but I can feel him smiling. At least he's hospitable. I still need to think of a way to escape though, I refuse to stay here with these people. They will probably make me do stuff I don't have time for and use me as a form of transportation against my will. I look above me up to the clear blue sky and vow I would escape this place, even if it means hurting this other Night Fury to do it.

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