The Final Test

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Twilight's POV

This is it, the final test to decide who will be my rider. I am currently sitting in the center of the arena, there are people leaning over the arena above me. It looks like almost the entire village came to see who would be my rider. The three remaining contestants stand in front of me waiting for instructions. Hiccup walks into the arena and stands in front of the remaining three, hands behind his back.

"As you three know this is the final trial, this test will choose the rider of Twilight. But first I want to congratulate you all for making it here, the tests were not easy. Whatever happens today remember we are all proud of you." He says sternly but with a sweet smile. Cheers roar from the crowd and Hiccup turns to me, stepping to the side.

"Your challenge is to get onto Twilight's back, if she lets you then you are her rider. But only one of you will be chosen." He bows out with a wave and walks to the top of the arena to supervise. Then I feel the stares of all around me.

"Icearms, you may go first." Hiccup motions the male in the three who made it. He nods and turns to me with a smirk. I hate when he does that, it looks like the look of someone who just wants to command people. He strides proudly over to me and places his hand roughly on my back, but just as he hauls himself up I shake him off. He lands on the side of arena, gasps travel around the spectators but Icearms is fine and gets up. Walking out of the arena, someone helping him the rest of the way when he gets to the arena door. Hiccup nods to the second female in the group, she surprises me, however. Instead of walking towards me she runs at me. She quickly jumps on my back but I react quickly and fall on my back, I hear her groan in pain and I get off her. She looks kind of like a squished bug that just got offended by you because you called it gross. Another person rushes in and helps the poor girl out, I have to admit I felt kind of bad but I just couldn't let her be my rider. And now it left Kania, this was going to be easy. Hiccup motions her towards me and she smiles just light enough me only me to see it. She gracefully walks towards me and I lower my head a bit. She gently places her hands on my back and I let her climb on. She positions herself and for a moment the arena is silent. Then I hear some slow claps and a few cheers start to bound on the walls of the arena. Soon enough the hole arena is booming with cheers and I see the approving faces of my dragon friends. That happiness soon dies however when Kania's parents stomp into the arena.

"STOP ALL THIS IMMEDIATELY!" Screams the father. Everyone around the arena quickly shuts their mouths and stare at them confused.

"Mrs and Mr Petrova? What's the matter?" Hiccup asks just as confused.

"You can't let Kania become a dragon rider!" The mother shouts up at him.

"Why?" He asks looking more and more worried.

"Because she is so pathetic, weak, and clearly worthless!" The mother booms up to him harshly.

"How can you say such things about your daughter!?" Astrid chimes in angrily. The Petrova parents don't seem to care and grab Kania right off my back, they start to drag her.

"Come on you pest!" The father yells at her, gripping her wrist tighter. I start to growl, reading my plasma blast. But I don't fire because Kania does something that surprises me.

"NO! I refuse to go with you!" Kania yells at them with tears streaming down her face. She wriggles free from their grasps and she runs over to me.

"Come here this instant young lady and we won't be extra hard on you when we get home!" The mother yells.

"What home? I have never felt at home with you ever! That place you call home is what I call a torture chamber! You never loved me!" Kania yells back. Just as they open their mouth open to shout back at Kania she continues her rant of pain.

"I'm never going anywhere with you ever again! I hate you, you hear me! I HATE YOU!" Kania screams at the top of her lungs. She grabs onto my saddle and hops on, I know what she wants. I take off and fly swiftly out the arena doors. Leaving the stunned people back the arena. I feel their stares but I don't care, all I care about right now is taking Kania somewhere safe. We fly to our special spot and Kania starts weeping into my saddle. She slides off and cries like there is no tomorrow. I curl up around her, keeping her close.

"Thank you for being here for me Twilight, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me!" She wails through tears. I pull her closer and let her tears fall. It gets dark and Kania falls asleep, I pull her closer to keep her warm and I to fall asleep. We will stay here tonight, we don't need to see everyone else just yet. I don't know what will happen tomorrow but I will not let Kania's parents even get close to her. But I am now Kania's dragon and her my rider. I sleep easy knowing that now we don't have to hide our friendship. I swear I will make them see just how amazing Kania is, then they will all see she is the most kind and caring human being alive.

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