Haunting Names

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Twilight's POV

My parents have just been murdered right in front of me, my brother too. How could these humans have done this? Why would they do it? I have so many questions I want to be answered. Why, how, who, what? Blood drips off the leaves I am hiding behind and the blood of my family slithers through the grass like a snake.

"Calder sir, we have the carts ready. We can move these bodies whenever you want." A man in a brown cloak tells Calder. His voice not showing any emotion.

"Good, move the bodies immediately. We don't need the scent of blood attracting scavengers, it will only cause more problems." Calder commands then, starring triumphantly down at the now cold and limp bodies of my family. The men load my family onto carts and start moving them away, so badly I wanted to run out after them but I knew I would be killed. My family is gone whether I believe it or not.

"I'm sure Drago Bludvist will be very happy with this prize." Calder chuckles darkly, his icy cold and emotionless voice echoing through the forest like a whisper in the wind. It sends shivers down my spine. The men soon walk out of sight and I stumble out of my hiding spot, petrified and scarred for life. I lay down in the outline of where my mother lay and try to imagine her still being there, but she isn't. Neither is my father or brother. They are gone and never coming back. I wail out, my cries could be heard for miles. I was alone and scared. But I also had a raging fire starting to burn within me and I had a flaming hot hatred for the man named Calder and his leader, Drago Bludvist. Suddenly I wake up and find myself off my stone slab and on my back. I sit upright, starring up into the stars and the sky beyond. I swear, I will make sure that Calder and Drago Bludvist pay for what they have done. I will make sure they reap the day they were even born! I swear it, nothing will stop me from having my revenge...

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