Runaway Baby👣

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It was dumb and cliche. Writing a love song about my first love. But you did miss him so much. But when you released the song Conspiracy story to float.  That's when you got multiple interviews.
" so miss.(y/l/n) can you tell us what when I was your girl about ". I studied there face and answered.
" It is about my first love toya. I miss him so much honestly " you said sadly. The interviewer look like their heart was going to pop .
" WHAT REALLY! Who would want to break up with you?" . The question was every where who would want to break up with you . You didn't know how to answer.
When you were walking back home from a interview a villain attacked fire was coming my way. I closed my eyes hoping for the best. But instead of feeling heat I felt the wind . I looked onto the eye of the eyes that was holding mean carefully. I studied his face. He was more handsome in the light. Sharp eyes. His eyes remind me of toya . Even if they were not blue they were . They were golden. Or maybe brown. Buy they were so pretty . I snap stance because he was .
"Do you get hurt a lot ~?" I looked at him and puffed out a  laugh. He looked at me a like I was a goddess or something.
As he set me on the ground and fled away smiling to my self I had a song.
Ranaway baby.
Max said he loves the song.
He danced and singed to it so then I released it . It was everywhere. The mall . Grocery store. The vet. When I was asked who it was about I said hawks.
plain and simple.
The interviewers mouth dropped. Everyone was surprised I would say that though. But that's when me and hawks got started.
So one day when I was at the was at the coffee shop a guy sits next to me I see blond hair. "So (y/n)" I hear my name and I look up to meet gold eyes. I could melt. " oh hello hawks"I say simply. " what do you need?" I hum sipping my coffee.
" I was wondering if you would go on a date with me?" . You almost  dropped your coffee at this statement. " me..?" you say right above a whisper. He nods his head happily. You look him in the eyes again " where would we go?" . " Dinner " he answered as soon as the words roll off my tongue.
I try to look at his face to see if he was telling the true. " okay, pick me up at six " I scribble numbers down on a napkin and hand them to him . " it's my number , see you hawks~" I smile at him grabbing my purse and walking out.
When walking back home it was dark. "Why is it so dark it's not even 5 " I mumble. I could feel eyes on my back but when I turn around no one was there
" just my imagination" I mumbled again. Opening the door to get ready . It didn't actually take me long to get ready. A black skirt with some Versace and of course Black heels . It was great because most of these things were in fashion at the moment in fashion and we were going to dinner. I spray my hair one more time to make sure it's perfect. I grabbed my purse to see that hawks had texted me
Hawks🐥: were pulling up
(Y/n)💋: yay🥴
I smirk at my reply bit when I go out side I see a limo. I look at it surprised. " we are showing up in style" he says playfully. I smile and jump in the car. When riding to the restaurant me and hawks just talk about our jobs. When we were seated hawks asked a question
" what made you become a singer?".
" my first love did" I reply dryly. It was the truth it just seemed like I only live for him hopping that he would just show up in my arms. Maybe one day. Hawks looks up with those gold eyes. " that's all " he says. " yeah, but also for his family they would always tell me I had the voice of a angel and I should become a singer" I laugh. Hawks shows me a grin
" how do you not have this guy wrapped around your finger" he hummed." I really don't know " I laugh again looking him in the eyes. That's when our food got there. Perfect timing.
when we finish I asked if we could walk home because it was so pretty outside.
" why do you write so many love songs" hawks says out of the blue. " I always loved love songs the speak to me more." I hummed. Before I knowed it we were in front of my door. "Well here's your stop miss.(y/l/n) have a good night" hawks turned around to walk away. But that's when I grabbed his tie and pulled him in for a kiss. "good night lover boy" I smile unlocking the door.
" yeesss" hawks  I could hear shouted out.
~ when I tell you how much I cringe at this part I UGH~

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