3. Enter Julie

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"Please, Rena? Come on, just this this once? Sara is already copying from Mel and plus I'm afraid to even ask her," Danny begged me.

This is how my class started. Not with a lesson, but with Danny begging.

This also wasn't a new occurrence.

Danny was currently clutching my arm, whilst pleading and having finally grown tired of ignoring him, I turn my head towards him.

He was pouting in desperation.

"I swear, you're just as bad as Sara," I told him, shaking my head.

"But Rena, you're just so smart, and clever and amazing and-" Danny stopped showering me with fake compliments, when I gave him a dry look.

He carried on pout and I rolled my eyes.

"Danny, you know we're in a different history class, with different teachers? Our homework isn't even the same," I told him.

I love him, but sometimes he can be so slow.

He then paused, looking at me for a moment whilst he processed what I told him, before smacking his hand to his head.

"Ah crap," he cursed.

Clearly it finally dawned on him that copying my homework, won't exactly do him any good.

To avoid copying between classes, teachers wouldn't give the same homework. They would change it up a bit, so the work was specific to the teacher who gave it.

It was cruel, but worked. Well, most of the time.

"Mr Heichmann will actually kill me," he then muttered.

Mr Heichmann is honestly the strictest teacher in the whole school. Nothing gets past him.

I'm pretty convinced that he has some kind of sordid background. Or something where he developed this 'terrifying' look about him. I'm not saying he was involved in anything dangerous, but not ruling it out either.

"Drama queen," I scoffed at Danny. "You'll just get detention," I then shrugged.

I was lying. Mr Heichmann did look like someone who'd give out a more severe punishment, but then I wasn't about to tell Danny that.

"Another detention and I get benched for basketball," Danny sulked.

Probably hypocritical of me to think poorly about the football jocks, but then be okay with the guys who play basketball. Well, it's mainly because Danny and my friend Max, are on that team and they're the complete opposite to them.

Danny and I share this kind of sibling bond. We don't have any of our own, but weirdly we're just there for each other like brother and sister. Not that we ever call ourselves that. It's kind of unspoken, but we both know it.

Max is then Danny's best friend, and so naturally we all just became friends too.

When I glanced at Danny again, I sighed seeing the sad look on his face.

His puppy dog eyes were worse than Sara's.

I turned around, to look at other people in our English Lit class, until my eyes spotted someone that could be more useful for Danny.

"Marty, in the back over there, pretty sure he's in your class. Ask him," I told Danny.

Suddenly, his expression seemed to have morphed into one of joy. The one that basically says 'I'm not going to be killed by my history teacher'.

"Marty," he then called out, after shifting his eyes towards the boy in the back.

Upon hearing his name, Marty seemed to spring into action like a meerkat.

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