30. Charmed

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It's been a couple of weeks since the night of the Summer Ball.

After what Liam had told me, that he was going to confess to Julie that he loved her, I had felt some pain. It wasn't that I felt distraught, but rather a punch in the gut of what I already knew. It was just a reminder.

My mind already knew that it was coming, I could literally see it in his eyes when he looked at Julie, that he was in love with her. I just wasn't expecting to hear it.

After Liam and Julie had left, everyone in our group sort of started leaving too. They all had their own plans, but I didn't feel too bad, since Holden apparently had an idea of his own.

He drove to a restaurant, so that we could get some real food and we just ate in his car, talking to each other and sharing some stories. My night ended up turning into a date and it made me happy.

When he kissed me in the backseat of his car, I felt the flutters again, just like our first kiss.

I definitely think Holden liked kissing me, since he couldn't stop. He'd steal my chips, but give me a kiss. A sip of my drink, but give me a kiss. Even when I stole his chips, he'd replace them with a kiss.

Every time he made me laugh or smile or just kiss me, I felt myself liking him more and more.

The first time that Liam told me that he liked Julie, I felt like I was broken and hurt. However, this time it felt more like a faint crack. Being with Holden, I felt happier and whilst in his presence, my mind didn't drift to anyone else.

I had a feeling that if I gave it time, I could actually fall for him completely. Since he was so sweet, it was probably inevitable for that to happen at some point.

After Holden had dropped me back home, it was sort of like things between us had changed.

For one, he didn't really ask before stealing a kiss from me and also, he never spared a chance to call me his girlfriend. It was so cheesy, but he almost seemed to take pride in the way he called me his or took my hand in his hand.

I looked forward to spending my time with him.

After the Ball, going to school was a bit of a chore. We had classes, but they weren't really serious ones, since it was nearing towards the end of the term.

I just couldn't wait for a relaxing break. I was also hoping we'd plan a family holiday and just go somewhere for a bit. Maybe Hawaii?

Either way, I just wanted a break from the everyday routine.


As I was online, browsing for some new clothes, I saw my phone screen light up with Liam's name across it.

"Hey," I answered the call, still a little distracted by this new jacket that I'm currently seeing - as if I don't have enough of those already.

"Hey, Rena," Liam replied. "Are you busy right now?"

I looked at the jacket on my screen and shook my head. This wasn't the one, so I guess I wasn't busy.

"Um no," I said. "What's up?"

"Could you come to Mama Macy's?" Liam asked.

I frowned. "Why can't you come to me?"

He lives next door, if he wants to talk, surely he should be the one coming over.

"I'm already here and have a table, along with red velvet cupcakes," he said and I could just tell he was looking at them and smiling.

I mean, I don't want to leave my room but then again, cupcakes.

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