21. First Date

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Today's the day!

I'm finally going my day with Julie today and although I'm incredibly nervous, I'm equally excited.

I probably would've been a lot more nervous, had I not seen Rena earlier.

Somehow, whenever I talk to her I always feel so much more calmer. Even if she's just telling me to shut up or breathe, she just knows how to make me feel better.

In all honesty, I don't know even know what the fuck happened to me. I've really never been nervous when it comes to girls, but this time it's different.

I mean I've never really liked anyone this much before I think. With Julie, I'm so nervous about messing things up. She's a really sweet girl, I just don't want to do anything to spook her.

A short drive later, I reached Julie's house and parked my car on the driveway.

As soon as I turned the engine off, I took a deep breath.

I honestly don't know how I sometimes need someone to remind me to do what is necessary for living, just to breathe, but it's just those moments when things get so overwhelming and you need that person just to put things in perspective. Thankful, I have Rena for that.

A few more deep breaths, and I got out my car and walked up to Julie's door, waiting for her to answer once I rang the doorbell.

There is a part of me of that is a little worried that Julie will open the door, but only to tell me that she's changed her mind.

I think she sort of likes me enough to give me a chance and go with me on this date, but she is shy, and might have some reservations. I'm hoping that won't be the case.

Finally, I heard the door lock clicking open.

The door fully opened up and Julie was in front of me. I breathed in relief seeing her smile, i hope it meant that she wasn't going to cancel and we were going to have our date.

"Hi," she then greeted me shyly. 

She honestly looks so beautiful. It's just jeans, a top and a cardigan, but she makes it work.

Even if she were to be dressed in loungewear, her hair in a mess or mismatched, I don't think it'll make a difference in how I see her. One of the best traits about Julie, except from from her charming self, her smile and politeness, and other sweet qualities, it's her eyes.

I'll never stop being mesmerised by those green eyes of her.

Then I saw her slightly frown and I realised I haven't even said anything, I've just been looking at her.

"Hi, Julie." I greeted her with smile. "This is for you," I say, handing her my little gift.

My Dad told me that it was always a smart move to take something for the girl, when you go to pick her up for a date.

So, with that in mind, I thought it would be fun to bring Julie some chocolate. A little different to the traditional flowers.

"A Kit Kat?" Julie questioned, her eyebrows raised slightly, but she was still smiling.

"Well, I thought I should bring you something, because it's nice. But then  I didn't know if you were allergic to flowers," I told her a little sheepishly, scratching the back of my head.

I don't really know anyone allergic to flowers, but I didn't want to take the chance. Plus I had seen Julie eat Kit Kat's during lunch, so it was a safe bet.

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