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And we're done with high school.

It's crazy to think that this was only the four years of my life and although that it seems like a long time, it also seems like it flew by towards the end. I actually found myself hoping for just a few more days, but that didn't happen.

I knew at some point it was all going to come to an end, that I wouldn't stay in high school forever, but it's still a sad feeling. There's a lot nostalgia attached, a lot of memories, so much that has happened.

It's going to be so weird to not come back to this building for another lesson. I'm going to miss it...well, maybe not maths.

We had our graduation ceremony today, which was quite fun. I wore my robe, making sure I had the perfect dress to match.

There was something so heartwarming about seeing the expression on your parents' face, the way they cheered for you as you walked across the stage. I don't even think

I was that excited compared to my parents. It seemed like they were the ones graduating. I could only imagine what it would be like when I graduate with a degree in my hand. It's undoubtedly going to be embarrassing in some way.

I had already received my replies for university, which was such a weird experience to go through personally. I knew that my exams had gone well, it was just that anticipation and the waiting game that I hated.

It was really hard deciding that I wanted to go ahead and study. I just felt so odd making this choice, one that was meant to be a decisive factor for my entire future.

Eventually, I decided to study Business. I didn't really think I had a passion for anything, or at least I hadn't found one. Choosing to study business seemed like a practical option, plus who knows, someday I may go on to owning one.

I chose to study further away from home, something that my parents weren't too happy about but supported anyway. I wanted to just be out there on my own for a bit, to become a bit more independent and also start over in a sense.

I wasn't the only who struggled to make the decided on the future. It happened with everyone, but eventually they did.

Flo decided she wanted to become a writer, and wanted to pursue English Literature. The romantic in her thought this was her calling. Max decided he wanted to take a gap year and help out his Dad. The knew that they didn't want to break up at any cost and so they agreed that somehow, they would make this work.

Mel had wanted to study Art History, since she leaved learning about it. It wasn't that much of a surprise, since according to Sara, Mel was the only one in History  class that ever paid any attention. Meanwhile, Andre wanted to pursue Music. He had a knack for it and wanted to see where that would lead him.

My complete nutcase of a friend, Sara, wanted to help people in the future. But in her own way. She wanted to become a lawyer. I thought this was the best thing for her, since she was a motor-mouth and could argue her way out of anything. Danny was looking forward to studying medicine. Ever since his Dad, passed away, Danny knew that he wanted to become a doctor and help people in need. It was something I really admired about him.

Chris - one of the smartest people I knew - had decided he wanted to study Computer Science. All things technical seemed to always be easy for him. I realised this when he created an entire website for me when I was responsible for organising the Summer Ball for the last two years.

Okay, so I wasn't responsible for all of it, but I was head of the committee. I was stressful, but I thought it'd look good as an extra curricular activity.

Julie had applied to study Maths, which did not surprise me at all to be honest, she was just way too good at it. I knew that Liam was hoping to study Business as well, I think he even managed a scholarship from his involvement in football throughout school.

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