31. Change

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A Little Over A Year Later...

As I looked out the car window and at the sky, the gloomy clouds seemed to have held my focus. They had covered the sky completely, not a speck of blue could be seen through, but just a blanket of white cotton.

I wish at least the weather would've been a little nicer and brighter, I felt as if it had begun to reflect my mood.

The route back from the the airport would've been a scenic one usually, but I didn't notice any of it, my eyes were only fixed towards the sky.

"Honey, are you okay?" Dad asked, I felt his hand gently on placed my head, checking up on me.

"No," I replied.

I really didn't feel okay. I felt like something was lost or missing. I didn't like this feeling at all.

"Do you want some chocolate? Or should we get some food?" He then asked.

I knew he was trying to make me feeling better, but right now, it didn't feel like anything would work.

"No, thank you," I replied.

The heavy silence in the car weighed upon us once more, before I heard my Dad's sigh break through.

"I know this hurts now, but it'll get better," he said. "You're my little solider."

"I don't feel like a soldier," I told him.

"You're allowed to have a bad day," Dad said and when I glanced at him, his eyes were on the road but a smile was on his face. "You can have many of them, but they won't stay like that. The sun always rises after the darkest of nights."

This caused me to let out an amused breath. "That was cheesy."

"It's the truth," Dad replied, standing by what he'd told me.

I've had quite a few dark days in my opinion, but my Dad was right, it didn't stay like that. I would always manage to see the light after that, maybe not the next day, but it soon enough. I would feel happy again.

However, this time it felt a little harder to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

"I wish he didn't leave," I sighed, with a frown on my face that just wouldn't leave.

"You'll be okay, sweetheart," Dad told me, as he held my hand in his. "Just wait for it."

Honestly, I was just tired of waiting.

It wasn't too long until we reached home and I wordlessly got out of the car and headed inside, my Dad right behind me.

He reached over and unlocked the door, waiting for me to step in first and I walked in, instantly spotting my Mum who was walking into the living room.

She paused in the steps when she saw me and gave me a smile.

"Hi, darling," she greeted me. "Are you-...do you want some food?"

I almost smiled at the way she avoided asking me if I was okay, probably assuming that could trigger some kind of water works within me.

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