38. Decisions

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"Are you sure you want to do this?" Danny asked, for the umpteenth time.

After our phone call, I had decided to go to the graduation. I didn't see any harm in going to it and it was a sweet request from Liam and Julie had mentioned something like this, a long time ago, graduating together like in high school. Whilst it won't be together, I could still visit it. Only a visit. It won't be so awful.

Whilst I thought it wasn't going to be the worst thing in the world, Danny felt the opposite.

Ever since he picked me up from my house, every so often he was asking if I was sure about this, to the point I had lost count.

I turned towards Danny, who just had a concerned expression on his face.

"Yes, Danny. I'll be fine. It's just a graduation, I've had one of my own already," I told him.

Unfortunately, this just made him frown more. I'm so sure he was going to develop some early wrinkles, either because of me or Sara.

"You know that's not what I was asking, but fine. If you're sure, then let's go," he said.

We managed to find some really cheap flight tickets, since neither Danny or I wanted to drive all the way. It would've been way too long of a journey. The flight was only an hour and a bit long. Besides, we were only here for a day.

Everything seemed to be timed well enough, that Danny and I reached by the time the actual graduation ceremony was over and it was the reception that was left, with most people just taking pictures during this time.

I could see all the graduates, dressed in their gowns with wide grins on their faces. It immediately made me smile, remembering my own ceremony.

Danny and I walked towards the grassy lawn of the venue, where we saw most of the graduates talking and talking pictures, hoping that Liam and Julie were somewhere amongst the crowd.

Liam had no clue that I was coming. I thought it would be fun to surprise him as well. Although, in hindsight this may have been a mistake, since he'd have no clue Danny and I were here. If they left, this would've been a bit pointless.

Finally, sifting through all the people, I finally saw him.

I halted in my steps, with Danny stopping as well, probably noticing my frozen posture.

Liam was stood not too far from me, dressed in a grey suit, conversing with Julie and her Mum. He had his arm around Julie's waist, he looked...happy.

I felt a hand intertwined with mine, giving it a small squeeze. I looked up to see Danny smiling at me and I just smiled back. I know he was worried but I was fine.

As began to walked towards them, I noticed Liam's posture change. He began to look around, his eyes drifting to the crowded, looking and seeking.

Then suddenly, his eyes landed on me and a wide grin came across his face.

He began to take big strides in my direction and as soon as I stepped towards him, without warning, Liam just engulfed me into a big hug, his arms wrapping around my waist.

I wrapped my arms around his neck, a little worried I'd fall.

"I knew you'd come," Liam mumbled into my hair.

Just as I was about to reply, I felt my feet leave the ground, as I hoisted up. Liam began to spin me around and I just laughed.

"Put me down, you idiot. I'm going to fall," I said, in between my laughter. I'm not even sure it sounded like words.

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