8. You and I

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I'm not usually confused by a lot of things that require me to do a little recap in my mind, but in this instance, it was most definitely called for.

Last I recall, Julie and I walked home together, we were in my room, finalised what we were doing for the English Lit project.

We bonded some more, spoke about parents, her old school, the popular lot at our school.

I watched from the door step as she got into her Mum's car, drive off and that's when I heard it...

"Hey, Neighbour."

Whilst thinking about it, I realised that I haven't exactly moved and I was frozen, whilst holding the doorknob.

I definitely haven't mistaken that deep voice, I know who it belongs to...but it can't be.

He wouldn't just talk to me. It's not my birthday or any other festive period that I can think of. We're most definitely not at a dinner organised by our parents and I don't believe there's a risk to my life right now that he's about to point out. Hell, I even saw him as school, in fact he stared... wait is that why?

I then heard him clear him throat. "Um, Rena?" He then said.

Ah crap.

Okay, so it's definitely not my imagination.

Shit, that means it's real.

I slowly turned in the direction of his voice, silently praying that it's still not him.

But as I look up, I realised my prayers did nothing and it was...him.

There he was, standing on the other side of the fence with his giant-like height and tilting his head slightly.

My vision was good enough that I could make out his eyes, that looked inquisitive.

I imagined this was probably as awkward and weird for him, as it was for me - well more for me - because casually talking didn't really occur between us anymore.

When Liam's brows knitted together and were raised slightly, I realised that he'd spoken, twice, and nothing had come out of my mouth yet.

I'm not entirely sure where my voice seemed to have gone.

We occasionally share the awkward 'Hi, Hello' but that's usually when our parents were around, since they still get on great. Interaction between Liam and I was usually limited.

Speaking of Liam...

"Um, hi?" My words came out as a question, but at least something came out, since I wasn't entirely sure how long I was going to be without a voice.

Liam then seemed to relax a little, not that I'd spoken, despite it barely being words and really more syllables.

"Are you doing anything right now?" He then asked.

At his question, I was beyond confused.

Was this like a cruel joke, as if insinuating that my life if boring and I have nothing going on now? Or was he genuinely curious and possibly wanted me to be doing nothing right now, so that he could talk to me?

But then again, the odds of the guy I have a major crush on to finally notice me, seemed to be very low in my mind and I can't help but feel there was a catch.

I'm smitten, not stupid.

"Not really," I replied.

Again, my answer does seem unsure but I guess that's a good reflection of my entire being right now, since I really don't know where this is going.

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