5. Seeing Her

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Another school day. Great.

The beeping of my alarm echos in my room, and I let out a groan at its' unrelenting, horrible sound.

Slamming my hand down on the alarm, it finally turns off and I stretch my whole body, whilst still in bed, trying to find the motivation to get up.

School, isn't enough motivation in itself. It just drains the life out of me on some days, where I can literally feel it slipping away.

If it weren't for my mates or football, school would suck so bad. Those two are the main things at keep my going really.

I was aware of the fact that I was kind of popular in school, and ideally I should be looking forward to walking through those halls, but that was far from how I felt.

It was clear enough to me, that if I wasn't somewhat alright-looking, or part of the football team, I doubt people would give me a second glance.

It was a hard truth. But honestly, sometimes that sounded better.

The constant stares and whispers were annoying. As if I was some kind of animal in a zoo.

Over the last summer, I grew taller, and helping my Dad out with work and fixing up his old car, helped me gain more muscle.

Usually, that would be something that I would be kind of proud of, but it just gave people at school more of a reason to talk about me. It wasn't fun.

I really wasn't shallow or vain, and I realised that chasing popularity was probably one of the most dumbest things I've ever done. I got happy that everyone wanted to be my friend, only to realise after, that not everyone was actually my friend.

The one that I had. I lost.

"Liam! Get your butt out of bed! I heard that alarm go off!" I then heard my Mum shout, louder than the alarm.

Unfortunately, there's no snooze button for her.

I closed my eyes once again, thinking just five more minutes and I'll get up.

"Now!" Mum shouted again, and I groaned, getting out of bed before she came up to my room.

I guess I have to get up now.


"Good, you're up. I don't have to come up there and bang on pots and pans," my Mum grinned at me.

She would undoubtedly do that.

"I was up already. Before my alarm," I then told her, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl.

Mum just gave me a skeptical look, raising her brow. She didn't believe me at all, that was clear.

"If you're going lie, at least do it better," Dad then said, sipping on his coffee.

I shook my head, rolling my eyes.

"Okay, I'm out of here," I told them, and quickly munched on my apple, before throwing it in the food bin.

I didn't really have breakfast in the mornings, usually just a fruit.

Grabbing my keys, I stepped out the front door, heading towards my car.

It was a gift from my parents when I turned sixteen. It was the one that I was fixing up with my Dad.

The car wasn't anything new in itself, but was still a classic, and I loved it. The new blue paint job we had given it, made it looked great.

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