2. My Life

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Present Time

Ugh, that annoying sound. I swear whoever created the iPhone alarm sound loves pain. It's basically the equivalent of the devil laughing.

I turn on my bed facing the ceiling. I swear waking up is easy, getting out of bed is so incredibly hard.

Another school day.

I swear I can't wait to be done with education. I swear when I'm done, I'm going to take a year long break and go travelling. Screw getting a job, all this learning... my brains suffered enough and doesn't need to be thrown into a 9 to 5 job.


After getting ready, I go to grab some breakfast.

"Good Morning, my love. You want cereal, oatmeal or toast for breakfast?" Mum asked.

She would never let me leave for school without having breakfast, she'd chase me with toast in hand, if I ever did leave.

"Morning, can I get cereal please?" I ask her, then look to my Dad. "Morning, Dad."

"Morning, Rena." He replied.

My dad is a man of minimal words, especially when in uniform.

He's a police officer, with a stern look forever etched onto his face. But then he also has moments he can be really funny and sweet.

Despite his stern expression and overall, alpha male kind of aura, it's really my Mum you have to fear of in this house. She's the ultimate decision maker, despite what my Dad may think.


After having breakfast, and declining my Dad's offer to drop me to school, I walk out the door.

Now usually, it's great when you're offered a ride to school and not having to take your bike. Like another other sixteen-year-old, I should be happy, but then in my case, not really.

Back when it was my first day of high school, my Dad offered to dropped me, which I of course accepted, because I didn't want to be late.

However, I had kind of forgotten what my Dad did for a living and also what type of car he drives. A very noticeable police car.

That obviously got me some attention at school, not the kind I particularly cared for.

Some of the other kids thought I was a bad girl, then a snitch, then someone who just got lost and got a lift from a cop. I was made fun of for quite of both of my first day.

They asked me a bunch of questions regarding it. When I told them the truth, that he was just my Dad, well they didn't really find me so interesting after that.

But some of the rumours stayed, to this day. As if I needed a cover story for something. I'm a freaking teenager, I barely have the ability to multitask with homework, let alone be some weird, teen-criminal.

So, basically I can't have that happen again.

It was just a hard day, one that I'm not really interested in repeating.

I actually did take Dad up on the offer once, but he flashed the red and blue lights on the car, when he thought he saw some kids being suspicious. Never again after that.

Since then, I just ride my bicycle to school, and if I need a lift, then definitely ask my Mum.

As I unlocked my bike, I heard the sound of a car engine. Instantly I know who that'll be.

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