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Aurélien Cullen was lost in thought

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Aurélien Cullen was lost in thought. His mind was on his past. The boy could always tell beforehand when nostalgia was about to creep up on him and he always went to the same place. Riffling through memories, mostly sad or dark ones, was not something any immortal enjoyed. Aurélien handled this by coming here, allowing him to associate his painful recollections with that place and preventing them from spilling out into the rest of his life.

Here was, in fact, a beautiful cabin in the middle of the woods, up a mountain in Alaska. It was about ten miles from where the Denali's lived, which was an easy distance to cross if you were a vampire, and secluded. Most of the furniture was made of wood and all of it was a similar shade of chocolate brown, giving the cabin a homely and rustic vibe.

The bottom floor was open plan; there was a large fireplace with a thick rug in front of it and two armchairs and a sofa facing it. There was also a grand piano and a large bookcase filled with volumes. The kitchen, much like the bedroom and bathroom on the above floor, was an unnecessary feature that Esme had added. She included them in all their homes, an attempt to make the home seem more human and natural to the occupants. It never worked.

Technically Aurélien was the oldest of the Cullen children, turned in 1832 at the age of only sixteen. Carlisle had found him where he lay dying in a barricade in France during the June rebellion, and turned him. However, considering vampires develop beyond the age they were turned, Aurélien was often viewed as a younger brother. He didn't mind.

Carlisle told him many times after he was turned that a young boy had no place in something as dangerous as a rebellion, but Aurélien disagreed. He had always had a penchant for chaos and adventure ever since he was a child, which was why he struggled to sit still in his lessons despite being very intelligent. The boy drove his parents and tutor mad. He was always running around climbing trees and playing rough with the street boys, all things they told him a lord's son ought not be doing. But Aurélien didn't follow instructions if the person giving them couldn't justify them, and his parents never could.

It was partly his wild nature, coupled with his desire to have a cause in his life, that led him to join the rebellion. Though it also had something to do with a boy he met when he was fifteen.

Philippe lived in a cramped room with five other boys; the only way they could pay rent. Aurélien had always been an idealistic boy raring for a cause, but it was during nights under the stars discussing politics and the changing winds of their country that he decided what he wished to do for his life. Aurélien wanted to fight for freedom. A world where he was allowed to love Philippe, regardless of his gender or the ebony colour of the boy's skin.

Despite the fact it was revolution that lead to his death, Aurélien never abandoned his ideals. Continued to value passion and bravery and thrive in chaos. He would also like to claim that his honour remained intact but that would be a lie. Carlisle may have been his saviour, but Aurélien didn't appreciate being told the way he should spend the Immortality given to him. Being the impetuous newborn he was, he fled from Carlisle and found himself in the clutches of the Volturi.

It was a dark time in his life and one he sorely regretted. When he returned to Carlisle however, his sins were forgiven. The man understood that Aurélien was a wilful boy who disliked being restrained. Who mistook the Volturi for a cause to commit his immortality to. 'A life without cause is a body without soul' he once told his adoptive father. Aurélien was admittedly a little melodramatic.

The truth was, under all the honour and ideals, there was a darkness in Aurélien Cullen. The chaos in his soul and rebellion in his heart meant that war and bloodshed attracted him endlessly. He recognised that violence wasn't the answer but couldn't help the rush that a good fight gave him.

It wasn't the only thing that brought him joy. Passion was important to him and he was a great appreciator of the arts. Poetry, music, plays, books and art. Philosophy was a subject he also greatly enjoyed, along with law - justice and morality being something Aurélien held close to his heart.

There was only one thing that evaded him. Love. The one passion Aurélien hasn't enjoyed since his human days. His love of his interests, of his family, where never quite enough.


The truest cause of life, he reasoned. Alice had Jasper, Rosalie had Emmet and Esme had Carlisle. Even Edward, tortured Edward who had never been able to truly appreciate the complex beauty of eternal life, had found Bella. And yet, Aurélien had no one.

Ring. Ring. Ring.

Aurélien removed his phone from his pocket. He hadn't even realised someone could get connection where he was, but his phone was the best money could buy.

It was Esme.

"Hello?" Aurélien's voice sounded melodic, a human woman had one told him it sounded like music. Serene, like a gentle breeze or a sweet lullaby. His French accent had become less pronounced over his very long lifetime, by still very obvious if he wasn't masking it with an American one like he did when attending school.

"Aurélien. We need your help." Aurélien listened as Esme told him of the new born army being created on the doorstep of Forks. Of the article of clothing being stolen from Bella's room. The vampire's scent all over her house.

"I'm on my way," Aurélien promised. He sped up stairs and changed his clothes. It was his signature look; dark jeans and a dark jumper covering a crisp white shirt, the collar peaking over the top. The whole thing was topped of with a long dark coat and shiny blood red Doctor Martins; the only pop of colour in his outfits.

Stopping only to secure the cabin, Aurélien took off running. There wasn't much stuff that inside that he could bring with him except clothes, but his wardrobe at Forks was identical so he didn't see the point. Besides, he needed to return to his family as quickly as possible.

Aurélien has no problem joining a fight to defend Bella. Edward deserves his happiness, and he had no qualms with her status as human. In fact, Aurélien had always had an appreciation for humans. They had an ability to appreciate life in a way that vampires couldn't.

Aurélien increased his speed. His family needed him.


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