off to a great start, huh

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I slip on my over-sized adidas and search for my lanyard. "DREY IT'S TIME TO GO! WE'RE GONNA BE LATE IF YOU DON'T HURRY THE FUCK UP!" My sister Melissa screams. "SHUT THE HELL UP." I scream back. "off to a great start, huh" I mutter. I throw on my lanyard and run out of the door leaving my sister to lock it. "bitch" I hear her say. I roll my eyes and walk to the bus stop with my sister behind me. the bus is obviously 10 minutes later and the bus driver doesn't even greet anyone as we get on the bus. I sit down in a spot by my sister and I start thinking of the boy I met at orientation. well, I didn't really meet  him. we already knew each other from second grade. I obviously had a crush on him though. the ride to school seems shorter than I thought it would be. I hop off the bus actually feeling a small bit hopeful. I walk in the school and everyone looks rich. "no one can know I live in a apartment."  I whisper to myself. I just moved to a new district so I don't know anyone besides my crush, Mason. 

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