Chapter 8

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I let out a gentle moan, Tyron's fingers were running through my hair, tugging at it after a while. His lips were planted at the crook of my neck, he was sucking and nibbling at my sensitive spot. His mouth went further down, with his hands he gently unhooked my bra, his mouth sucking on my erect nipples. I couldn't hold it in, I screamed out his name.

I woke up, slightly jumping up startled at the dream I just had. It's just a dream you say, but it is said that dreams are virtual representations of what we are thinking of subconsciously.

I move down to the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. The kitchen clock reads 06:45 AM and I'm surprised it's this early.

Gulping down my glass of water I hear a faint sound of music, sounds like electro pop? I move towards the direction of the music and come across a room that has it's door slightly opened and as I peek through the opening I see some equipment, gym equipment? I get in and abruptly stop in the middle of the room when I catch a glance at Tyron, skipping rope, shirtless and sweaty just like in my dream. Oh My!

I turn around attempting to run away before he catches me staring at him in awe, but I'm too late as he coughs.

"If I didn't know better I'd say that you are obsessed with me, huh Zoey?" he asks, his voice very coarse.

"No, I'm not obsessed with you. I had a nightmare and came down to drink some water when I heard some music. I love music, so I'm here checking it out." I try explaining.

"You could've just said no and saved both of us the time you spent explaining that" he rudely replies back. And I'm supposed to marry this jerk?

"Whatever Mr Walsh." I say to annoy him.

A knock on the door interrupts my internal dance of victory after seeing Tryon's reaction of me calling him by surname.

"Come in" Tyron says, giving me the infamous angry eye.

"Sir, Ms Becca is here to see you." Says one of Tyron's many unnecessary maids.

"Oh, let her in." Tyron replies but I can't quite decipher his facial expression.

I walk out of the room without saying anything, hoping to go take a shower when I bump into the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen. She is wearing a red dress that screams dare me, matched with a maroon bold lipstick and black stilettos. Her hair is in a very tight bun and her cheekbones are overpowered by the blush she has on.

"Hi. You must be one of Tyron's maids, is he in there?" The woman I assume is Becca speaks and I'm taken aback that she would think that I'm a maid. I am wearing sweatpants and a vest though, so compared to her, I might as well be one.

"No, I am not Tyron's maid and..."

"Becca, what a surprise to see you here today, I thought you were in Paris?" Tyron cuts me off and I just scoff and walk away.

I am the most confusing person I know. Instead of watching the amazing movie in front of me, I am thinking about this Becca girl, why is she here? Isn't she supposed to be in Paris? And how the hell does she know Tyron. Like?!? Okay I need a hobby, friends maybe?

I dress up and decide that I'm going to the mall, maybe I'll meet some new people and stop obsessing over Tyron. Yes he was right, I am obsessing over him.

After literally begging Tyron to take me to the mall, he agreed and here I am in the Gucci store, staring at the clothes in here, and the prices. Tyron actually gave me his bank card, and I aim on spending the money as crazily as I can.

Two hours later I'm tired, my heels are killing me and I'm regretting taking the decision of wearing heels, more like wedge heels, not stilettos like Becca. Oh my, here we go again, why is my mind thinking of that girl?

I get into a seafood restaurant hoping to stuff myself with prawns and octopus. I take a seat and a waiter comes to take my order and after stuffing my face with the platter I had ordered I ask for the bill.

"Your bill has already been taken care of by the man over there" The waiter informs me pointing to a man in a dark blue suit.

"Oh, I better go over there and thank him" I reply and stand up, walking to the man. With a smile plastered across my face, I walk over to him and use my friendliest voice to say thank you.


Hey guys, Chapter 8 is done. Who is this generous gentleman who picked Zoey's bill?

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