Chapter 13

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A/N : Chapter 13 is finally here. I apologise for the wait. Wattpad wouldn't let me upload individual wedding photos so I put together the important ones on top.
Do enjoy :)


Zoey's POV

I stand in front of the mirror and asses myself, my makeup is looking classy. Clean. Winged eyeliner, smoky eye, lash extensions. A nude lipstick, dangling diamonds by my ears.

I opted for an elegant hair up do. A few pearls for accessory purposes. Just so it matches with my pearl necklace for my first princess dress.

"Good choice on choosing the princess dress as your church outfit. It really suits you" Yolanda says entering the room with a huge smile on her face.

"Yes, you were right. You look beautiful" I say to Yolanda looking at her yellow dress, she insisted on looking like the decor. Ever so dramatic.

I really can't believe that I'm doing this. Marrying someone to pay off a debt. Yes, I have feelings for him. But does he have for me? Will this even work? Will we be able to fake this until the contract expires ? What if he falls in love or -

"Zoey, this is your wedding day, you don't seem excited" Yolanda interrupts my chain of thoughts.

"I am, just a bit down because I have no one here, no family." I say with a soft sob.

"Yes, but I'm here and -"

A knock on the door interrupts her, seems like today is interruption day.

A boy from the local courier service company enters with a bunch of roses in his hand and the delivery note in another hand.

"Aww, these must be from your soon to be husband. How lucky are you?" Yolanda shrieks with excitement.

Yolanda takes the flowers and wiggles her eyebrows.

"There's a note" she says after seeing my face.

I take the note, reading the name of the sender.

The card and flowers aren't from Tyron. They are from Elizabeth, so she thinks getting me a card and a bunch of roses is okay enough for making up for missing my wedding? She has to be joking.

I stuff the card into the honeymoon luggage and continue to assess myself in the mirror. Yolanda notices my detachment but says nothing, good decision.

I glance at the brown and white clock written "smartlife lodge". It is 09:45 AM and if I don't go out now I'll be late.

"We better get going Zoey. It's time" Yolanda speaks as if she was reading my mind.

Stepping out I meet Lola, the wedding planner.

"You are late Zoey. Come get into the yellow Lamborghini, you too Yolanda." She says, practically yelling at me.

Tyron has gone all out, a yellow Lamborghini to match with our theme colours, that's nice of him.

I stand for a while just to admire the Harley Davidson Motorbike parked at the back of the Lambo. One of the drivers revs the bike and winks at me. He surely doesn't see this white gown.

The drive to the church was about 12 minutes away from the lodge. This is an convenient situation for when I change into my mermaid dress for the reception.

I stand still by the entrance. Feeling sad, not only are my family members not present today, but I have absolutely no one to walk me down the aisle. I really hate to admit this but I'm lonely on my wedding day.

Instead of getting a normal pianist we decided to substitute one for a violinist. Classic and simple.

Taking the first step into the church, the  violinist starts playing the forever famous "here comes the bride" song and everyone stands up and faces me.

There are more people than I expected to see. They all look dashing.

Walking slowly towards the alter I can feel my heart beat in my ears. My hands shaking and my stomach turning. This is a lot.

Before reaching the aisle I stare at Tyron, he is wearing a classic black Armani suit, with a yellow handkerchief, dark brown shoes and a Rolex watch. His hair styled neatly and his face clean. He looks like a Greek God.

He steps closer to me and takes my hand leading me to where I am supposed to stand. His hand is sweating. Is he also nervous?

"We are gathered here today to join these two lovebirds in the holy matrimony." The priest begins.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife" is the next thing I hear. Claps and cheers emerge from the crowd. I find myself blushing with a grin on my face.

"You may now kiss the bride" the priest says. Tyron steps closer to me and cups my cheek with his hand. He stares into my eyes and flashes me me the most genuine smile I've ever seen from him. Tilting his head he captures my lips with his soft ones and before I get the chance to kiss him back  he pulls away and whispers a soft "Thank you" into my ear.

That was odd.

The food in front of us looks mouth watering. We just listened to a thousand speeches and all throughout I kept on glancing at this beautiful decoration.

"Enjoying your food Mrs Walsh?" Tyron asks in a hushed tone, causing his voice to be huskier.

"Yes, but I'm really tired" I answer looking up at him.

"Then we should go, you'll rest on the jet." he replies. Thank goodness he didn't make a fuss. He does seem like he us in superb mood today

Waking up I catch Tyron starring at me. What is he looking at me for? I probably look like a mess.

I stare back at him and I shake my head, all he does is smile and looks at his phone. This one is so awkward today.

The letter I received from Elizabeth is tormenting me, so I move to the bedroom and reach for the envelope in my bag 


I'm sorry that I couldn't stop you from marrying into the family of Beasts but I couldn't afford to stop you. Not when it could place my sons life at risk. I really wish I could explain everything clearly. Just know that I love you.

Your sister, Elizabeth.

What the hell is going on? Elizabeth has a son, is she familiar with the Walsh families?

I hope you loved this slightly long chapter. Things are beginning to unfold.

How do you like Tyron's newly found attitude towards Zoey? Please don't forget to comment and vote on this chapter.

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