Chapter 16

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Zoey's POV

The flight back to Johannesburg was tense, a few words were shared, but Tyron was almost always on his phone.

Something is going on, I can feel it. The way he reacted when he found out that Elizabeth had reached out to me was scary. It started to make me feel like Tyron had something to do with it, but I just don't wanna jump into conclusions.

We arrived yesterday night and Tyron left immediately after taking a shower, according to him something 'urgent' came up, but I don't believe that.

After taking a quick shower I move down to the kitchen, I'm dressed in jeans and a baggy top, preparing my mind for the day ahead. A movie marathon.

I'm worried about Tyron, he is not picking up his phone, but I don't wanna be the nagging wife, so I won't call again.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, my husband ditched me on the same night that we got back from our honeymoon.

It is as if he went back to being the cold Beast that he was before our wedding, gone is the tender and loving man I met at our honeymoon. It is an arranged marriage after all.

I grab an apple and a bottle of still water from the fridge, deciding to have that for breakfast since I'm saving space for the Pizza and snacks I'll be having later.

You see, one of the advantages of marrying a rich man, is that you get to spend all the money you can, but the disadvantage is loneliness. I would call up Yolanda but, what kind of a woman calls up her friend exactly a day after the honeymoon. How pathetic.

I head straight to the bedroom after my mini breakfast. The main bedroom. According to one of the maids Tyron ordered that all my clothes are to be moved to his room, but what difference does it make when I end up sleeping alone anyway.

I take my phone out of my pocket while throwing myself on the bed. It's time to order some pizza and picking out a movie to watch, let me take advantage of Netflix.

My phone buzzes in my hand and the screen reads 'Ty'.

"Look who finally decided to call" I answer, making sure to sound pissed off.

"I'm sorry Zoey, I had something to take care of, I'll be back soon. Are you okay?" he asks. How is this guy gonna disappear for hours only to come back with a 'are you okay'. Hell no.

"Where exactly are you Tyron?" I ask, as firmly as possible.

"I'm at the hospital, I'll be back to explain everything clearly, please ask one of the maids to clean a guest bedroom, listen I have to go" He says ending the call.

Hospital? Who is hurt? Why doesn't Tyron ever explain everything clearly?

It's 03:30 PM and Tyron isn't here yet, the guest bedroom was cleaned and fixed up about 3 hours ago.

The door opens and I hear some voices, I move downstairs only to be met by a woman in wheelchair and Tyron behind him, wait I recognize this woman.

"Hi Zoey, thank you so much for allowing me to stay in your home, I appreciate it so much" she speaks.


"Hey baby, can we talk in private?" I ask Tyron trying to sound normal.

"Of course Zoey, come on"

I enter the kitchen and lean against the counter, looking straight into his eyes, I'm probably red with fury.

"Talk Ty" I say as politely as possible.

"Okay Zoey, listen I'm sorry for not discussing this with you first but Becca needs us, she needs a place to stay. Her place burnt down and she didn't have anyone else to help her." he speaks, sounding sad but I won't let my love for him cloud my judgement on this matter.

"Isn't she a model or something, she has the money to check into a hotel right?  And where is her family Tyron? Why here?"

" She does have the money to check into a hotel but she needs people she knows to take care of her, she suffered really badly. Please Zoey do this for me" he answers back.

"Okay, so let me get this straight, you want your wife to help take care of your ex girlfriend, wait, ex fiance. You must think I'm crazy, no Tyron. You haven't even explained why we came back here in such a haste." I answer with frustration.

" We'll discuss that when the time is right. You will let Becca stay here for as long as she finds fit. This is my house and what I say goes." he says turning to walk away.

Bang! I punch the countertop. I am angry, why did I have to end up with this man. Agg!

"You call him baby, if I didn't know better I'd say that you guys are really married. How does it feel being fake married to a guy you stole from me?" Becca speaks from behind me.

What the hell does this bitch want.

Be the bigger woman Zoey, walk away.

I walk away and head to the bedroom, I really don't want to act all psycho bitch on her, I need to think. I need to think.

Entering the bedroom I head straight to the bathroom stripping naked and fill the bathtub. My mother used to say that the best place for a woman to think is in the bathtub sipping on wine. Well, exclude the wine. I'll just add bubbles.

I step into the tub and sink in. What will I do, Tyron is hot then cold and he invites Becca to live with with us. Not to mention the fact that he made us leave the Maldives in such a haste. Is this what being married means?

"I like the way you handled the Becca situation, it was right to walk away, I promise you that soon you'll understand why I'm doing all that I'm doing Zoey." a velvety voice speaks.

What is Tyron doing in the bathroom? This is me time. Bloody hell.

"Tyron, do you mind? I'm trying to think here. I have a headache and...please just leave."

The door closes, wait, he really left, with no argument about this being his house. Something is going on here, and I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

Chapter 16 done and dusted. This was actually more of a filler chapter. So that when the drama unravels you understand everything better.

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